As I mentioned in a previous post, while I was sick for 3 days, I was unable to do anything except lay around, and, if I was awake, watch TV. I enjoy watching TV in small doses. You know I have my weekly shows that I don't miss, but lying around watching hours and hours of TV gets really really old for me.
Anyway, there are 3 particular shows that I watched throughout the week that I must discuss in detail (This may take a little while since I am now feeling better and am able to actually sit and type without having to take a break to nap):

I found it on YouTube, and I definitely recommend that you watch it. She's fabulous here. (You'll have to watch a brief bio/intro. before the actual performance, but it really is worth it).
...The show must go on, but I'll surely miss her! (My vote is still with Jordin...the cute girl on the left in the picture).

3. I left this one for last because I'm a little embarrassed about admitting that I spent AT LEAST 5 hours watching this TV show on DVD yesterday. Before I tell you what it was (and don't scroll down to look at the googled picture), I must remind you that it was in the MIDDLE of the day, NOTHING was on TV, I was sick and bored out of my mind...(maybe knowing all of that will make this sound a little better).
I decided to go upstairs and snoop around Mandy's DVD collection for a little entertainment. I can ASSURE you that I really didn't think I would leave with Season 2 of Dawson's Creek in my hand, NOR did I actually think I'd make it past the first 15 minutes without getting completely cheesed out. Don't get me wrong, it was incredibly cheesy and there were times when I would say to myself that I couldn't take it anymore, but somehow I would convince myself that the next episode would be better. Before I knew it, I'd been through at least 5 episodes. I remember when Dawson's Creek first aired. I was a junior in high school and I was totally into it. I guess "everybody was watching it." I watched the entire first season and then completely lost interest. I don't know why, I just did. Call me crazy and completely disagree with me if you want, but real 16 year olds don't talk or act like they do on that silly show. It's completely abnormal and totally unrealistic and it kinda makes me mad to watch it.

Somehow I really do hate the show, but I can't stop watching it...silly high school drama. :)
I have to give Mandy's DVD back to her tomorrow so the madness will end......
didn't people used to tell you all the time you look like Jen on Dawson's Creek? And to think she's an Academy Award-nominee now. Who woulda thunk it?
you have GOT to be kidding me laura...after all the fun you made...i love it. laurrrrrrrrrra i hate reading about what's going on in the office since i can't watch it!!! call me if jim and pam get together on thursday night. - murry
LT, I want pam and jim together too. Rashita jones (sp?) is great, but i love pam more.
And i own season one of DC and am not ashamed about it.
you get told you look like all the stars....minnie, michelle williams.....i've been told i look like michelle, which one of us is it???
pam and jim HAVE to end up together....if not, it will just be a confirmation of the sad reality that the majority of people miss marrying their soulmates.....(not me of course)
and i am voting for blake to win ai even though i would be happy if any of the 3 left win.....
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