I do not consider myself a pessimist, but please bear with me for the next 10 days as I try to finish the school year in one piece.
a. the kids have lost their minds
b. I've lost MINE
c. both (most probable answer)
I'm tired. I'm stressed out. I have no patience. I am physically unable to do anything when I get home from school.
I have threatened to start consuming Germ-X (which I have huge amounts of in my classroom) and I told my parents that I may be forced to become a smoker.
Let's hope it doesn't get to that point.
All I want to do right now is: go home and play with Max (his birthday events to come in a later post...), lay on the couch, watch "Dawson's Creek" (I haven't given it back yet...I'm hooked to that RIDICULOUS show...DANG IT!!!!) and then American Idol. Is that asking too much??
Thanks for listening...
you are terrible.
I am with you! I cannot wait till school is out!!! It is so hard to get up every morning! We are almost there!!!
you know angela from the office shares your affinity for germ-x.
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