Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'm getting nervous...

I just got finished watching AI. Jordin has had my vote for several weeks now, and I still do love her, BUT, Melinda? Excuse me? She was incredible tonight. No offense to all of you Blake fans out there, but he's my least favorite of the 3. Still, I'm curious to see what's going to happen tomorrow night. I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK! What do you think?


Junebug said...

Don't exactly remember how I stumbled upon your blog...but, I've been reading for awhile without commenting. I sorda feel like a lurker or a stalker so I am making my presence known!!

My children and I used 3 phones tonight to vote a gazillion times for Jordin. Hope she stays another week!!

Also, I have a one year old shih tzu that I write about frequently on my blog! :-)

Happy blogging!!

Anisa said...

i am a big blake fan, but melinda was AMAZING last night. jordin was also! i really think all 3 left deserve to be there.

can't wait to find out who gets eliminated! it's a nail biter for sure.