Monday, May 7, 2007 thanks...

So, have you tried the new Diet Coke, "Diet Coke Plus"? It's the newest "kind" of diet coke, and it claims to give you extra vitamins and minerals. hmmmm...
I'm a diet coke addict, so when I saw it, I was hesitant about it, but thought "why not just TRY to add a few more vitamins and minerals to my daily intake of Diet Coke (or Diet Sam's like we poor people drink)?"

The verdict: NOT good. You know the tingly feeling you get when you take the first sip of D.C.? I LIVE for that feeling. The vitamin stuff doesn't give you that satisfaction. I can definitely tell a difference. I think I'll be sticking with my REGULAR D.C. (or the occasional Diet Coke with Lime that I like to drink when I'm feeling a bit crazy). What next, Diet Coke used as mouthwash?

If I want extra vitamins and minerals, I'll take my One-a-Day vitamins, Thanks.
*In case you haven't tried Sam's Choice colas, I recommend them if you're pinching pennies. Of course they aren't AS good as the real thing, but they're closer than any other off brand, AND the best part...A 24 PACK COSTS $3.88!!

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LWolfe said...
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