Jenny, is it too late for me to join in on the challenge*?? =) I'm a little behind you, but I DO have a new camera, so it will not be difficult at all for me to take a picture a day, although I'll probably just try to take a picture a day for 2 weeks rather than an entire month. In fact, I already have a picture for Day 1( and the first picture taken with my NEW camera...fabulous!)! Now, I don't have a little Crew and Carrington (adorable) to take snaps of, nor do I have cute graphics like you, BUT I do have Max, and I happen to think he's something special. I'm not promising I'll be able to post a picture every single day, but I'm going to try. Here's my little Max, and my photo for DAY 1:
*See Jenny's blog for "photo challenge" details. :)
Isn't he cute? He's doing his chewing on his favorite treat, his dingo bone! I highly recommend them for ALL dog owners. Max is OBSESSED!
Changing the subject:
2 more events from today that I would like to share:
1. I got my picture taken today for my church directory (yes, I did the "one man shot"). A couple of things occurred while I was there: 1. I was told again that I looked just like Minnie Driver (seriously at least the 10th person who has told me that) and 2. The girl was showing me all of my pictures, so she started the "small talk" (I took mental notes for our book, Trey...don't worry). Of course she asked me if I was married or dating anybody and when I responded "no," what do you think she said? "Oh, why not??". Yep. If you've been a loyal reader of my blog, you know how I feel about that question (See post titled "3 Things I'll Never Ask Somebody" from mid-February...you'll understand and most likely agree). Blah.
*I went ahead and ordered a poster-size one man shot of myself to hang in my living room as well as 2 dozen wallets. Let me know if you are interested. =)
2. Did anybody watch American Idol tonight? Don't worry, I'm not about to give a Sanjaya report...this is actually more serious. They had a 2 hour special on tonight called "Idol Gives Back." When callers voted last night, proceeds went to poverty-stricken Americans and people from other countries (mostly children...my passion!). They had guest stars who performed for the benefit (such as Carrie Underwood, Rascal Flatts, Celine Dion, etc.), and throughout the entire show, people could continue donating money. I got slightly teary eyed as they showed actual footage and shared actual stories of children from around the world and even some not-so-far away, who have nothing or nobody. Seeing stuff like that REALLY makes me step back and take a look around at what I have been blessed with in my life! Some of the stories were really unbelieveable. I absolutely cannot imagine.
To donate, call 1-866-IDOLS-AID or go to the American Idol website. I don't know how long they'll be accepting donations, but check it out if you're interested. I can't think of a better way to give.
I would love a wallet pic!!
Max is adorable...it has been really hard to not post pics of Bandit daily!!
Looking forward to your 14 day challenge!
HAHAHAHA. I hope people really think that you ordered those pictures of yourself.
I told you to take max along for the photo. you never listen to me.
SURELY people know that i would not order portraits of MYSELF for 2 obvious reasons:
a) why on earth would i want multiple copies of pictures of myself??? (or even ONE picture for that matter)
b) i have no extra money floating around to spending it on something like that.
Are you kidding me???? this is going to break sweet little eileen's heart.....she has already bought the frame with her own money.....how can you do that to her???
Just Kidding of course !!!!
I need a new camera too...does yours take little movies? how much was it?
PS: eileen is sick today, fever and sore throat...she is home with her daddy...
Good to see Max. It's been a while!
Congrats on your new camera! Aren't new toys so much fun? I'm trying to work up enough nerve to tell my hubby that we need a digital video camera; don't know how well that's gonna go over though! Can't wait to see all your new pics!!!
yay for a new camera!!! now start snapping away!:) love you
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