Tuesday, April 3, 2007

MY list...

Thanks for the inspiration, Lacey.
I, like probably almost anyone else, find myself thinking about my goals in life, but I've never written them down. BUT, after a little help from this site that Lacey introduced me to, I made my list (a very tentative one, I might add), and it was actually kind of fun. You definitely need to check it out.

So....(drumroll)....here's my list of 43 "life goals" (in NO particular order):

1. Stop feeling guilty about EVERYthing. This is a huge problem for me. HUGE (just ask my mom).

2. Learn to cook. Really cook. I don't think I'm a bad cook, it's just hard cooking for one.

3. Be more social. I tend to clam up in a crowd.

4. Be less sensitive. I let things get to me too easily.

5. Marry the love of my life, stay married, and live happily ever after. (No explanation needed).

6. Be more confident. I think most females deal with this.

7. Run a half-marathon. I've never run more than about 7 miles at one time, but I think I could do it. (?????)

8. Go on a road trip with no predetermined destination. I'm not exactly the most spontaneous person you've ever met...right Claire?

9. Own a home. That would be a huge accomplishment for me.

10. Quit biting my fingernails. It's a disgusting habit I've had nearly all my life.

11. Drink more water daily. I find it very hard to drink a lot of water unless it contains like 47 lemons in it.

12. Meet Tom Hanks. He's the best actor of all time. Period.

13. Have kids. I can't wait.

14. Find the perfect bra. Oprah says it's life-changing. If you're a female, you KNOW how difficult bra-shopping can be. ugh.

15. Have a flat tummy. I've never had one, and I may never have one, but it's a nice thought anyway.

16. Learn about wine. I've recently acquired a taste for some wine, and it's all very fascinating to me.

17. Kiss John Krasinski. Yes, I'm completely in love with Jim Halpert from "The Office."

18. Be happy without being in love. Why is this one so hard?

19. Worry less. I'm a worrier. I can't help it, Tommy Tomlinson is my dad.

20. Make a list of books I want to read, and then actually read them. I get on "reading kicks," but they usually don't last very long. I wish I enjoyed it more (sorry, Mom!)

21. Find the perfect pair of jeans. Once again, if you're a female, you understand.

22. Learn more about politics. I've been watching more Fox News these days to help me with this one.

23. Give blood. I've never done it...it scares me to death.

24. Learn how to drive a stick-shift. My dad always told me that I should learn how in case of an emergency. I still haven't learned.

25. Make an impact on someone's life. How awesome would that be?

26. Play tennis more. It's fun, even though I'm not good at it.

27. Drink margaritas in Mexico. I love margaritas, so why NOT go to Mexico and drink some?

28. Accept change and learn to deal with it a little better. Enough said.

29. Read my Bible more. Does anybody else find it hard just to pick up your Bible and start reading it, or is it just me?

30. Learn to trust others more. I seriously struggle with this one.

31. Always have fresh flowers. This is something else Oprah recommends, and having fresh flowers in my house always makes me feel better.

32.Become a better teacher. I love to teach, but I always feel like I should be doing MORE.

33. Visit all 50 states. I wish I could afford to travel more.

34. Smile at strangers. I enjoy it when strangers smile at me, so why don't I learn to smile first?

35. Say "no" every time I feel like it and NOT feel guilty. Oh, this one's hard.

36. Improve my vocabulary. I'm surrounded by people with really good vocabulary, and I want to be able to sound smart around them. :)

37. Take a chance. Well, let's just say, I'm not much of a risk-taker.

38. Become better at small talk. My brother-in-law, Trey, and I are actually going to be co-authors of a book titled "Small Talk." It will be strictly about the awkwardness of small talk. (It will be a best seller).

39. Stop being so indecisive.
Friend: "So, LT, where do you want to eat tonight?"
Me: "Gosh, I don't know. Man. Ummm.. The Deli? Mexican? Sushi? City Bagel? Gosh, I don'tcare, YOU decide."
This really gets old.

40. Learn to dance. Kristen and Heather are both fantastic dancers. What happened to me?

41. Stop living in the past. This is something I tell myself EVERY SINGLE DAY.

42. Stop depending on others for my happiness. This is something else I tell myself EVERY SINGLE DAY.

43. Get more massages. I think every teacher should be required to get a massage at least once a month .

Now it's YOUR turn! Visit 43 things and create your OWN list. :)


Adelia said...

So many of those apply to me too. Especially the indecisive one! Of course, we are the most alike of any of the family cousins. But I think you can take #25 off your list. You teach second graders. You make an impact on their lives everyday!

Unknown said...


i love this.

but i agree with adelia, you impact SO MANY lives EVERYDAY!!!! I mean, Johnathan???? You changed his life. really.

Anonymous said...

i am SO proud of you! what a great list! i hope you accomplish them all! i too want to run a marathon, but am in the beginning stages of learning how to run. i haven't run since my 5th grade PE test but i can do about a mile but not nonstop. i will get there with perseverence. i need the perfect bra and jeans as well. thank you for your inspiration, LT!

Katie said...

Excellent list! I am with you on the stick shift thing. I have been in that "emergency" situation and I think the car died every 30 seconds on the way home! I have never driven one since!

Anisa said...

i love this list! you can do all of it, laura! and you are such a great person and have made an impact on many just your great friendship. hello, junior miss little sis?!

but as a democrat, i must enlighten you that fox news is not the way to go for your news...haha! :)

Anonymous said...

I think I need to start a blog too....I just love this !! I have a myspace and facebook but it is not the same....
Anyway, i LOVE the list...and must agree with Adelia, Fox isn't the way to go....O'Reilly and Hennedy are't my favorite !! (ummm, maybe it is b/c I am French.....)

Anonymous said...

Ooooopss, I meant your friend Anisa....sorry :):)

The Ueltschey's said...

You can definitely run a half marathon! I hadn't run more than 3 miles before I started training with Emily (Crawford) Fowler for the one we ran, and we both made it across the finish line just fine! (I was really hungry afterwards and scarfed down a few slices of pizza about 2 seconds after finishing :)) Go for it!

Anonymous said...

I actually didn't see this list. I read a bunch of your older posts, but I missed this one. When I was acting, my coach used to have us write our goals on a piece of paper and tack them to a big board so we saw them every time we had class. Occasionally, we would report on our progress toward making those goals reality. It's awesome to have the accountability and encouragement. Congrats on accomplishing #7. Numbers 15, 20, 31, 33 & 40 are goals of mine too. I'm going to think on this a while and then comprise my own list. Thanks for the inspiration and the link to the 43 website.
