Yes, another one of my lists. I like to snoop around at other people's blogs, and I came across 3 other bloggers who had a post titled "100 things" (original huh?)...basically it's just 100 random facts about myself. I know it looks like I have way too much time on my hands, but I started the list a while back, so it has taken a while. But I finished, so, here are my 100: :)
1. I am a middle child. My older sister, Kristen, is 2 years and 2 months older than me. My younger sister, Heather, is 2 years and 2 months younger than me. Pretty neat huh? It was totally unplanned. I am very close to both of them, but we are all EXTREMELY different.
2. I have lived in Starkville for 24 years. I'm 26.
3. I was 6 weeks premature.
4. Kristen saved my life when I was 2. I fell in a fire ant bed and was completely covered. She (only being 4 years old) alerted my parents that there was a slight problem. Doctors said I would have died had I been allergic to them and I still have beautiful scars all over my legs to show for them. Ironically, I don't have a fear of ants today. Kristen is now a doctor and is saving more lives than just mine.
5. I hated getting in trouble as a child (it very rarely happened though).
6. I attended the same private school K-12 grade.
7. I was NOT a cheerleader in high school nor did I desire to be one. I did, however, enjoy making fun of them.
8. I had more guy friends than girl friends in high school. Ironically I never had a boyfriend in high school.
9. I was 22 when I had my first kiss. Yep. I was also 22 before I ever tasted alcohol. Crazy year for me. :)
10. I wish I could dance.
11. I was in a sorority in college but I'm not your typical "sorority girl" at all.
12. I could eat mexican food every single day. It's not even a joke.
13. I have seen George Strait in concert 5 times. He gets better each time.
14. I ran into Jerry Seinfeld at Saks in Birmingham on March 12, 2005. I walked up to him (like I'm a crazed fan or something) and shook his hand. He was probably really annoyed, but he was nice.
15. I have seen every single Seinfeld episode numerous times and can quote most of them. Don't challenge me to Seinfeld trivia. I'll win.
16. I enjoy sports but I never enjoyed playing competitively. Ironically, I AM a very competitive person and I do not like my team to lose.
17. I despise Ole Miss.
18. I like guys who have big dogs.
19. I love children.
20. I was named after both of my grandmothers. My mom's mom's middle name is Laura and my dad's mom's middle name is Ladell. I'm proud of my name.
21. I have been called "LT" nearly my whole life. I like it.
22. I have never smoked a cigarette and never plan to. I strongly dislike the smell of it. I also refuse to kiss a boy who smokes.
23. I never enjoyed being a student, but I LOVE being a teacher.
24. I am terrible at pretending to be happy when I'm really sad.
25. I'm almost finished with my 4th year of teaching. 2nd graders are my favorite.
26. I have trust issues although my friends and family are the most trustworthy people I know.
27. I went to summer camps when I was younger. I pretended to enjoy going, but I got really homesick.
28. I have very few secrets about myself. There are a few people who know almost everything there is to know about me.
29. It's hard losing a best friend. Really hard. Trust me.
30. I have never been out of the country, but I would like to one day.
31. My faith in God is very important to me.
32. I'm a people pleaser and I have a hard time saying "no."
33. I have only had 2 pets in my life. I had a poodle, Abby, growing up. When she died, I was devastated and said I would NEVER get another pet. 5 years later I got my maltipoo Max. He's the best thing I ever did for myself.
34. I have no brothers, but I have 2 brothers-in-law and I'm very close to both of them.
35. I love candy. I can eat a pound of hot tamales in one sitting and think nothing of it.
36. I have never enjoyed being the center of attention. Both sisters EAT IT UP.
37. I love the color green.
38. I have been a bridesmaid 6 times.
39. I do not have text messaging.
40. I enjoy being by myself, but I also long for companionship a lot too.
41. I have never met anybody as versatile as my mom. She's amazing and by far the NICEST person I know. You need to meet her if you haven't already.
42. My dad knows more people than I can possibly fathom. When someone says "your dad is awesome," I find it hard to say "thank you." I usually just reply with "I KNOW." He's great.
43. My hair is naturally curly.
44. People often tell me I look like Minnie Driver, but I don't see it.
45. I would rather drive than ride as a passenger in a car.
46. I'm obsessed with taking pictures. I have hundreds of my nephew and he's only 4 months old. I will be out of control if I have kids one day.
47. Desserts are NEVER too rich for me.
48. If I could afford it, I would have weekly manicures, pedicures, facials, and massages.
49. I can say the alphabet backwards.
50. I'm very clumsy. I run into things and fall down all of the time.
51. I enjoy running, but I don't run at a fast pace at all. I have also fallen down numerous times while running (see #50).
52. I make great salads.
53. I am generally attracted to dark haired males.
54. I enjoy movies, but I have a hard time paying $8.00 to see one. I would rather use that money on Mexican food.
55. I am a gigantic MSU fan. Hopefully I will marry someone who loves it as much as I do.
56. I have never broken a bone (I'm knocking on wood right now).
57. I believe in the power of prayer.
58. I have wanted a lot of things in my life, but I never got some of them. I look back now and I'm glad I DIDN'T get them.
59. I wish I enjoyed reading more.
60. I eat a Granny Smith apple every day.
61. I don't have a very good memory on most things, but I am SO good at remembering people's birthdays.
62. I hate any kind of tension. I avoid it whenever possible.
63. There are 7 people (besides my sisters) who I consider to be best friends. I think that's something to brag about.
64. I don't like change of any kind. I always have a hard time dealing with it.
65. I don't function well without caffeine.
66. I love Bobbi Brown make up. I have spent a lot of money on it, but it's worth it to me.
67. I want to be the girl in the Rembrandt commercial who gets to kiss that really hot guy.
68. I used to eat peanut butter ALL of the time. I had to stop buying it because I couldn't quit eating it.
69. I want to get married either in the month of April or October. They are my favorite months.
70. I HATE clowns. They scare me.
71. I am not a fan of the "f" word. Please try to refrain from saying it around me.
72. My closet is color-coordinated. I can't imagine otherwise.
73. I ENJOY cleaning. I've been known to voluntarily clean my friend's houses. It's true.
74. I could live without red meat altogether except for the occasional grilled hamburger that I love to eat.
75. I have never learned how to do a cartwheel.
76. I don't know how to dive.
77. I love for it to rain while I'm sleeping.
78. I never want to move out of the south.
79. I am borderline OCD about a lot of things.
80. I do GREAT "Heather" impersonations. If you were at her rehearsal dinner last summer, you know what I'm talking about. :)
81. I never rolled houses in high school because I was afraid I'd get caught.
82. I had mono my sophomore year of college (and it WASN'T from kissing...see #9). It was kind of a joke.
83. I am a southerner and I'm very proud of it, but I get mad when people refer to me as "country" or a "redneck." There is a big difference and I do not fall under the redneck category.
84. I graduated college with a 3.2. It's nothing to brag about, but I was quite proud of it.
85. I am not allergic to anything (that I know of anyway).
86. I wish I could wear red lipstick. I love how Gwyneth Paltrow looks when she wears it. MSKS pulls it off well too.
87. I am very self conscious in a swimsuit. I can't tell you the last time I bought one and I'll only wear one if I'm not around a lot of people.
88. I make some mean chocolate-chip-peanut butter-oatmeal cookies. The dough tastes even better than the actual cookies.
89. I can't wait to own a home.
90. I could totally max out a credit card at Target. Maybe it's a good thing that there's not one here.
91. I love decorating my house for Christmas. Sometimes I even put up decorations before Thanksgiving (don't judge me).
92. I am emotional...sometimes a little TOO emotional.
93. I have been out on 2 blind dates in my life. Neither of them went well.
94. I freak out if I miss an episode of "The Office" or "Desperate Housewives".
95. I plan on starting season 1 of "Grey's Anatomy" this summer when I have more time. I think I'm the only person who doesn't watch it and I find myself with a group of people who are discussing it and I have nothing to contribute to the conversation. I guess basically what I'm saying is that I'm going to start watching it so other people won't frown upon me (maybe we will soon be able to discuss it, MK!).
96. I can tell a lot about a person just by their grammar. It's very important to me.
97. I am a little scared of only a few things. There's only one thing that really scares me.
98. I think sleeping is way underrated, but I can't take naps.
99. I have a serious problem with hypocrites.
100. I can't believe I just compiled a list of 100 things about myself. Is it weird that I kinda thought it was fun? hmmmm.... I like reading them too...humor me and come up with a list of 100 things about really is harder than you think.
Happy Birthday, Jackson
5 years ago
I enjoyed your list. You seem like a nice person. I would imagine you are a good teacher (I prefer teaching 7th grade when I teach). Nice blog. Your music caught me ear as I was just bored and "next blog"-ing. Thanks for helping m,e kill some time.
"Caught me ear"? I sound like Popeye. Guess I should have previewed my comment.
I just discovered we had more in common than I thought. In fact, Numbers 5,7,8,11,12,13,17,18,18,22 (but I like the smell of it sometimes),24,27,28,29,31,32,35,37,38,41,43,46,47,48,50,53,54,56,57,58,61,62,63,64,68,69 (my fav. months, although Dec. was nice!),71,72,76,77,78,79,84,89,90,91,94, and 96.
No wonder Heather loves me so much!
Laura, i can not believe you just wrote 100 things about yourself.
A) I do NOT like being the center of attention.
just kidding. I live for it.
B) Sophie misses Max
C) You may have been 22 when you first kissed, but once you started, you didn't stop! (jk)
D) you only WISH you were a cheerleader.
i'm going to will take awhile though. i love you, lt. i think you are amazing!
hey! i did this a while ago myself. LOVE your list. you are even cooler than i thought. :)
seriously, great list...i was very much the same on many of these.
I kinda wanna do a list now. However, I think you cheated. I don't think #100 counts.
i only made it to # something....but I'm named after both of my grandmother's too!!! Margaret Laurette. thank the good Lord they didn't go with the other combo...Vera Alberta. I think I would make a cute Bertie though...second thought...maybe not.
i second are amazing! such a dear sweet friend. and WOW...100 things?! i better get busy!
did you realize that you became a heathen when you hit 22? bad, bad girl.
love you!!!!!!!!!
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