Friday, February 15, 2008


L is for "Luggage"....MY luggage!
Yep! I'm packing my bags and heading to San Antonio! (Confused? read here).
Tomorrow afternoon my friend Heather and I are driving to Jackson. She's going to spend the night with her parents and I'm driving to Clinton and staying the night with Kris, Rob, and Henry. I'm looking forward to spending the day with them Sunday before driving to the airport Sunday night to catch the plane to Texas!
I'll be there until Wednesday, so it looks like my little alphabet game will be put on hold for a few days. Think you can make it? :)
I'm pumped about having a break from school for a few days! Stay tuned for, what I'm sure, will be some fun San Antonio pictures!!!
Enjoy your weekend!


The Robertsons said...

So not fair; however, I do have Monday off! Have fun buying some clothes that do not match!

Forrest and Elizabeth Williams said...

Yay! You are coming to the 'great state' as the Texans call it. So just a warning--Texans are SERIOUS about their state be on the lookout...I know you'll have some good stories! Welcome to Texas...:) San Antonio is fun and does have some great shopping...we are about 3 hours north of San Antonio...did you ever tell us why you were coming to TX? :)

Anonymous said...

You know my only reading will be put on hold until you return. I am so "j"! but hope you have a blast!

The Texas VicHorns said...

If I could get off work, I would be on my way to San Antonio. Have a blast! I love S.A.

Tracy~ said...

Hope you're enjoying your trip and your time away from the class! I could never, ever do what you do!