Thursday, February 7, 2008


My choice of picture for the letter D is no surprise. D is for my dog Max. He is hands down, without a doubt, the best thing I've ever done for myself. I can have a bad day, be sad, mad, sick, etc., but Max can always make me feel so much better. Cuddling with this little guy is such therapy for me. Sure, he's slightly on the protective side, drives me CRAZY every morning when he chases my feet (putting holes in every single pair of socks I own) and doesn't always do well around certain people, but I still love him. :)
If you're single (or even if you're married!!) and debating on whether or not to get a dog, COME TALK TO ME. Or better yet, spend a few minutes with my Max and you'll be sold.
Dogs are a man's best friend. I promise.


The Stringers said...

i LOVE this idea...i think i need to try this!!!

Unknown said...

Dear Max,
I am cooler than you.
XOXO - Sophie

Tracy~ said...

He is cute!