I just found out that I was randomly selected to be the 2nd grade representative from my school to go to San Antonio for a conference in February. I've never been there, but I've always wanted to go. I'm so excited about this.
Even better--my friend Heather, was chosen as the 1st grade rep., so we're BOTH going! There are several other young, fun teachers going too, so I think it'll be fun and a perfect break from school. I feel like we'll have a good amount of free time while we're there, so if any of you have ever been before, I may need some pointers on where all to go!
Oh, and you better believe I'll be eating some good Mexican food while I'm there too! :)
I am so unbelieveably(sp) pumped about going! For many reasons:
1. We will be out of school for 3 days!!! And it won't take away from our own days saved!
2. ITS FREE! Free everything! Besides the extra spending money!
3. There a lot of young fun, cool, and really hip teachers going.
4. We will get to take LOTS of PICS! LT- go ahead and start charging the battery NOW!
5. We will get to visit a lot of neat places.
6. We will get to SHOP!!! :)
7. And LOTS more!!!
8. MOST IMPORTANTLY: I will get to spend 4 days OUTSIDE of school with my BTFE(Best Teacher Friend Ever)- LAURA T! :) :) :)
It will be a half way countdown trip to the beach at the end of school-which will also be SO MUCH FUN!!!
I really can't wait! We will have so much to look forward to! 3 mths and 25 days left to go!
haha she is funny.
you always win stuff. Remember when you won $100 on the radio when you were like 8? I was so J.
I'm so happy for you. I wish I was going. And Heather, I also remember Laura winning stuff off the radio when she was young.
AHH that's so exciting! I definitely want to see pictures and hear stories!
I agree -- teachers do have fun. Having been a teacher years ago, I can attest to the fact that teachers have fun, but that is another story for another time. Enjoy San Antonio.
As a side note, what has happened to most of the bloggers -- I never hear from any of them.
I went to San Antonio in 5th grade with my sister, memer and mert. it was very fun, or what i remember of it. i listened to Garth Brooks' "Rope in the Wind" the whole way there and back. take some better tunes. One thing you must do while visiting...eat Texas French Toast. i ate it every morning...i was fat as a child.
this is very, very fun news. we love san antonio! are you staying on the riverwalk? i have lots of suggestions but i'll save that for a phone conversation. which will have to wait since i have zero phone service here.
we only live about 6 hours from SA, so i will convince vic to let me drive over to see you for the day. miss you.
also, i hear that you can sometimes see real cowboys there. just ask vic.
I love reading your blog. I actually got here and started reading, thanks to our mutual "fabulous cousin" Adelia. I know that you have no idea who I am, but I do remember playing with you and your sisters when you would come to Collinsville to visit. Love your grandmother, Ms. Ann, she is truly a little jewel from heaven. I think I will add your link to my blog since some of the same people look at them. Thanks for the entertaining reads that you have posted.
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