You know how people always say that when you're married for a long time, you start to look and act like your spouse? Well, I've decided that I may indeed be sharing similarities with my students. I've come to the realization that the amount of time I spend with children is contributing to my new favorite treat: Pop-Ice
Heather, I'm sure you recall how we used to eat these incessantly as kids, but I must say, it's been quite some time since I've had one...until just the other night. My friends Matthew and Sarah had them at their house the other night and they offered me one. I thought I might as well eat one since THEY'RE eating one (I don't want to be rude right?? :) ). Fortunately, the one I had was banana (banana and grape are a tie for my favorites). I immediately became re-obsessed with them. So, during my next
Wal-Mart trip they had a huge display of them and they are SUPER cheap (seriously like 100 for $3), which really makes me smile. I got the tropical flavors and they are fabulous. I'm embarrassed to admit how many I had yesterday. Of course I justify it by saying, "well, it's healthier than ice cream!" hmmm....
They're perfect when you come inside from being miserably hot. Go buy some. If you have kids, you can say that you're buying them for them, even if you don't actually share them with your kids.
dr. appointment in Jackson today and I volunteered to drive her there. Lucky for us, her appointment didn't last long at all, and we had time to scoot over to see little Henry before his 6 month portrait picture appointment. :) I know, I know, I JUST posted pictures of him a few days ago, and he hasn't really changed much since then :), BUT these pictures are just oh so cute and I had to share them.

I love Popsicles. I eat more than Braden and Cooper when I'm at their house. If it makes you feel better, the only thing I ever have to drink at my house is water and koolaid. How much more childhood can you get than grape koolaid?
I was fixin to do a whole post on pop ice...look forward to it...we are creepily alot alike.
Otter Pops kick Pop Ice butt.
i can't even handle how cute henry thomas is. I freakin love him.
MSKS - we used to eat otter pops together in destin.
good times, I am sure.
Pop Ice are my favorite. Our cute 2 year old neighbor gives them to us when we come over. :)
mary stratton is right: otter pops are better. there is no substitute for an "alexander the grape". also, would you say you love pop ice more than hot tamals? crucial.
i am really impressed that Mere remembers Alexander the Grape.
MSKS - do you remember any of the other flavors? ATG was my fave.
I heart pop ice too. My mom banned them from the house my high school years because we would snip off the plastic end and just leave it wherever it fell, leaving a sticky residue pretty much everywhere.
I'll probably swing by your house and help myself.
P.S.- just so you know, I'm hosting weekly "The Office" parties at my apt. next fall. I've already gotten the word out and it's going to be a fun crowd of Office-obsessed. Please count yourself in.
I haven't had a pop ice in forever. Those were the best when I was younger!!
I love pop ices! And Henry Thomas is probably the cutest baby I've ever seen! Thanks for the comment. I had an amazing time in Honduras. Look for a long post about it including pictures and video!
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