Wednesday, June 27, 2007

sleeping, starbursts, and Rosie...

So, I guess you can say I've really really been enjoying my summer vacation...maybe a little too much. I'm not trying to brag to all of you who have to work during the summer, but lately, each morning when I wake up, I look at the clock and usually think "holy cow..I can't believe I slept this late!" It's been just a little ridiculous...11:30, 10:00, 10:45, etc. I don't understand HOW I'm able to do this. I generally go to sleep at a decent hour, and it's not like I'm dealing with a lot of stress right now. I do love to sleep, so I'm enjoying every second of it...I can't lie.
ANYWAY, I decided that after way too many mornings of waking up whenever my little heart desired, I would actually set my alarm. I had lunch plans, so I wanted to wake up early enough to be able to drink my coffee, lounge a little, work out, shower, and be at my lunch destination by 11:45. I set my alarm for 8:30 and went to the gym around 9:30.
Honestly, this really has very little to do with the whole point of this post, but I just wanted to throw it in. I didn't want all of my loyal readers to think that I was a lazy, worthless, piece of nothing during the summer. I AM productive (but most of my productivity takes place in the afternoon).
You know how they have several TVs on at the gym, so that you can hook up your earphones and choose what you watch? Well, this morning (like most mornings really), it was Fox News that caught my eye.
There were 2 specific news topics this morning that were a little disturbing to me:
  • Did you SEE this picture of Rosie's daughter? She's 4 years old and definitely dressed like a Guerrilla Fighter! WHAT? She's totally wearing bullets too. Rosie is completely sick. I can't even stand her. Does she think that's funny? I can't believe that she would: 1. dress her daughter like that 2. take pictures and videos of it and 3. post them on her blog for all to see. This makes zero sense to me. I don't get it at all. Poor little girl!

  • This one is a little humorous if you ask me (it's disturbing on a TOTALLY different level). Perhaps you saw this on the news today: "Michigan Woman Claims Starbursts Candy are Dangerously Chewy in Lawsuit." I'm sure you're saying "WHAT?" in your head right now. Allow me to explain this one. The lovely woman, whose picture you see above (I just HAD to include a picture), is suing the starburst company for more than $25, 000 for causing INJURIES. Yes, my friends, eating candy can cause serious injuries (It kinda makes me chuckle a little just typing this). Apparently, she bit down on a yellow starburst in 2005 (does that mean the red ones are safe? They're my fave.), and it caused her jaw to lock. Hmmmm.... She says that she's "had trouble chewing, talking and sleeping since the incident." I'm just wondering exactly how many of these yummy chews she ate before it actually caused her jaws to lock. Seriously...the things people do for money. It's shocking really.
  • On a different note, I'm looking forward to the weekend. Heather and Trey have been planning on coming here for the weekend and then Kristen found out that she has the entire weekend off, so now she, Rob, and Henry will be here too! :) I love getting to see all of them in one weekend (especially when it doesn't require ME having to drive anywhere!). I'm so ready for them to be here.

    The big question for me right now is: do I set the 'ol alarm clock again for tomorrow morning, or should I just sleep until I wake up? Decisions, decisions....


    Unknown said...

    my vote: sleep until you wake...that is never a question!

    The Davidsons said...

    I agree with Amanda. You are so lucky!

    Anonymous said...

    laura, everyone knows you are a worthless piece of nothing. the starburst story is REdiculous. it reminds me of the lady who sued mcdonalds because their coffee was too hot.

    Anonymous said...

    loved seeing you yesterday!! we will have to hang out the next time i am at katey's :)

    Crystal and Billy said...

    WOW, that is all I have to say about the Starburst lady!! Maybe I can sue them over the sour starburst b/c I ate too many once and it made my tongue raw.

    Unknown said...

    1) don't set the alarm. that is stupid. I only get out of bed because Trey makes me work.

    2) Rosie is re-dic-u-lous.

    3) The starburts are, in fact, chewy. But isn't that a small price to pay for such tasty goodness? She should be put in her place.

    4) can't wait to see you either.

    Anonymous said...

    1. Sleep until you wake up. Like I say, no one has the right to make you feel bad for how you use your summer until they've taught for a year themselves. There's just no way to understand. :)

    2. WHY has Rosie gone off the deep end? It keeps on getting worse...

    3. Have so much fun this weekend!! I think I may get to see Sammer and Katherine...good times! Need to see YOU again soon!