Wednesday, November 5, 2008


As if you don't already know enough, I'm adding to the list of things you very well may not know about me. My list from last year included 100 pretty random facts about me. Don't worry though, I will not bore you with another 100 (few minutes to spare? Click on the link above if you've never read).
I have compiled an abbreviated version, however, so if you're bored, feel free to read:
25 MORE Facts about me: :)
1. I want to buy a house. The thought of being a homeowner thrills me. Maybe one day…
2. I am knock-kneed (the opposite of bow-legged). It’s really odd looking. You can make fun if you doesn't hurt my feelings.
3. I go to bed super early. I require more sleep than most people. Even on weekends, I will go to bed early because I WANT to.
4. I really like red wine.
5. I bite my nails and have done so since I was little. It’s a disgusting habit.
6. I wish that I could sing or play a musical instrument.
7. I love big earrings. I say, the bigger the earrings, the better.
8. I am about to make my LAST car payment. In December, my 2003 Altima will be completely paid for. And I did it ALL BY MYSELF. (Stay tuned for upcoming post dedicated to the Altima).
9. I am obsessed with making sure that my checking account is always correctly balanced. It sometimes stresses me out.
10. I do not like Ole Miss. (Even though it has been mentioned previously, I had to throw it in again).
11. I want to get married in either April or October. They are my favorite months.
12. I have hazel eyes. They can change from green to brown. I used to wear green contacts, but I’m actually beginning to grow fond of the somewhat unusual color of them.
13. I like to clean.
14. I am a self-proclaimed cell phone addict. It’s pretty much with me all of the time.
15. I love LOVE sushi.
16. Although it’s not January, I’ve already made a New Year’s resolution: I want to take ONE trip via airplane every year. That shouldn’t be too hard should it? Where should I go in '09?
17. I think horses are beautiful, but I’m scared to ride them.
18. I love watching shows like Unsolved Mysteries, 48 Hours Mystery, America’s Most Wanted, etc.
19. I hate being late for anything. I usually arrive at school about 45 minutes before I HAVE to be there. Note: This will more than likely change one day if I have children!
20. I think about TCBY everyday, and my feelings are still hurt that there’s not one here anymore. I miss it.
21. I hate watermelons.
22. I am fascinated about multiples (twins, triplets, etc.). I love reading blogs of families with multiples and I’m totally obsessed with Jon and Kate Plus 8. I wonder if this is some sort of sign that I will one day have multiples myself…
23. I didn’t lose a tooth until I was in the 2nd grade.
24. I love sharpies.
25. God did not make me to be a heel-wearer. I'd much rather be in tennis shoes, flip flops, or anything else FLAT.
Oh, and one more thing...I love weekends and I'M SO READY FOR ANOTHER ONE.


Crystal Garcia said...

In response to #16, Go to Africa! It will change your life.

Ps...I'm the opposite of fascinated with multiples. eeew.

Tricia said...

#16: I was thinking somewhere with amazing landscapes, such is Austria, or wherever there are awe-inspriring mountains, skies, cottages with windmills, etc.

The Andersons said...

You are so funny! I am obsessed with Jon and Kate Plus 8, too! I watch the new episode every Monday night. :) And I'm also afraid of horses.... :S One time I rode one in the mountains and it slipped and almost fell going down a MOUNTAIN--I've been scarred ever since....

Unknown said...

obviously you should go to china. find my birth parents.

Jack, Emily, SB & Annie said...

now is the time to buy a house!! seriously, it's time...if only you knew someone in the banking industry who could give you a loan...

The Quinns said...

Africa and Austria and even China sound great but if you wanted to stay in the US of A I would go to Chicago if you've never been- best city in America. Or go to Montana-skiing in Big Sky for spring break or go in the summer and do Yellowstone, rafting, overcome your horse fears(on non-mountainous trails), go hiking to amazing places- but you know I am biased about the whole state... Completely obsessed with Jon and Kate and want to kidnap Aaden and his glasses. I think #26 should be something about your bad history w/electrical plugs-- forget horses if I were you I would be terrified of them!

Wade's World said...

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you totally just jinxed yourself with #8.

You should NEVER say you are about to pay a car off because then somthing terrible will happen and you will have seven years of bad luck. Or somthing like that...

Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

You just reminded me of one of the reasons I like you so much....we have alot in common! LD

The Robertsons said...

Can you imagine what would happen to you if you wore heels all the time? I am sure your knees would be black and blue:) I miss you and am in desperate need of a visit from you. You can fly to Memphis in 09 and I will pick you up at the airport.

Renee Guest said...

love all of these! we could be sisters.. just in case you need a
3rd one! But I love Ole Miss so I don't think I'm allowed near your family much less IN your family!
love mystery shows too! love Sushi! love big earrings! Love TCBY. Scared of horses!

i think you are a doll!

Whitney said...

I am obsessed with 48 Hours Mysteries! They are the best! Great list!