Thursday, November 20, 2008

a child who really understands Thanksgiving...

Tomorrow is the last day of school before Thanksgiving break. Right now I am guilty of feeling tired, frustrated, and I'm running VERY low on patience.
However, what you're about to read made me forget these feelings and focus on what REALLY matters right now...being THANKFUL.
I gave my students a Thanksgiving activity today. As you can see below, they were given a turkey and 4 feathers. On each feather, I asked them to right ONE thing they were thankful for. For 2nd graders, I felt as though asking them to write 4 things would be sufficient. (I was expecting most of them to say: "family, friends, teachers, school, etc." and be done with it). I didn't expect most of my students to write more than a couple of words on each feather. What this particular little boy did amazed me. He took the time and thought about the LITTLE things in life for which he was thankful. Reading this almost made me cry.
Take a look.

(The last 3 might be my favorites. In case you can't read it, it says "I am thankful I have bones. I am thankful for my name. I am thankful my dad preaches").
Precious isn't it? I love that child.


Anonymous said...

wow...what a precious student

Anisa said...

oh my gosh. preciousness!

Unknown said...

precious. I, too, am thankful for baths. Sweet kid.

Jack, Emily, SB & Annie said...

did he say "i am thankful for hats" on the top of that last feather??

Wade's World said...

It's also way precious that he is thankful for math. I wish I could say that...

The Robertsons said...

I love to read what children are truly thinking.