So, if you read my previous post, you see that I had a bad day. Don't we all? I don't want my readers to think that I am extremely depressed, so I'm blogging again before the night is over. This one is much more fun.
I love taking stupid little quizzes. If you read enough, you know this fact. I get some of these entertaining quizzes here. Check it out sometime.
Anyway, I took the "Who is your Celebrity Twin" quiz. Here's what they had to say about me:
Your Result is: Reese Witherspoon
You're grounded and successful When you decide to do something, you always give 110 percent.
You're grounded and successful When you decide to do something, you always give 110 percent.

She is so cute. I would totally take it as a compliment if someone said I reminded them of her!
Who is YOUR celebrity twin? Click here to find out!
Obviously this "celebrity twin" quiz was based nothing on looks. Reese: beautiful, blonde with blue eyes. Me: brunette with curly hair and hazel eyes. It it HAD been based on looks, I predict I would have been matched with Minnie Driver. I still don't see it very much, but I get it A LOT.

I'll ask you again, do YOU think I look like her?
Yes, you look more like Minnie (or she looks like you), mostly because of the hair, but you do also resemble Reese in the face. Beautiful either way.
Oh ya'll do look alike:)
Have a great night!!!
i got reese too! the hair is like minnie's, but i don't think you really look like her. you are far more beautiful, of course!
i am so upset. I am not even telling you what celeb i got.
ugh. I am totally re-doing that whole stupid quiz.
stupid quiz.
ps - anonymous thinks you are a hotty-bo-botty
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