Today marks the 25th birthday of my little sis. Although I don't exactly remember the actual day of her birth (as I was only a mere 2 years old), I can assure you that that day was incredibly life changing. I'm sure the second my parents saw that chinese-looking baby with a head full of hair enter the world on May 5, 1983, they knew their lives would never be the same. I wish I could put my hands on a picture of her from that day. She was born with more hair on her head than I have on mine right now. (Slight exaggerration used for affect).

Even though I don't have baby pics of her to post right now, finding "black-mail-like" pictures was not a difficult task. I have also included a top 10 list of reasons you should love this girl. If you've never had the privilege of meeting this youngster, you must. Your life will change for ever.
So, here you go....a tribute to my one and only little sister- Heather Joy Tomlinson Skaggs...
1. She loves posing for pictures of JUST her. In fact, when given the opportunity, she will steal your camera from you and just take a ridiculous amount of pictures OF HERSELF. Nice.

2. She is a FABULOUS spokesperson for the Chi hair straightener. Need a laugh? Click here and then here.

3. She LOVES hunting and wearing camo. Can't you tell how excited she is in this picture? :) If you've ever met Heather's fantastic husband, Trey, you will agree that they are INDEED VERY different. Hunting is his PASSION in life (next to Heather, of course). Yep, they have their differences, but I can think of no one else more perfect for Heather. Bless Trey's heart.

4. Oh yeah, she loves camo so much, she even wanted to buy camo furniture. She begged and pleaded with the hubby, but he said no. He'd much rather own something from Pottery Barn.

5. She still looks beautiful even when she's TRYING to look ridiculous.
This was taken right before her wedding (in case the dress and veil didn't give it away). Instead of being a nervous wreck like I suspect most brides are, she's walking around making her friends take pictures of her--much like the one below.

6. She's a marathon runner. Look at that body. Her make up is perfect in this picture too! (Heather, I'm still not sure how you photoshopped this pic so perfectly. I'm almost scared to look at it).

7. SHE MET THE QUEEN! Gorgeous dress, HJTS.

8. She loves her dog. Poor Sophie.

9. She's NOT shy and lives to be the center of attention. These pics were taken on her birthday last year. She's wearing an apron and holding cleaning supplies. Was she cooking and cleaning like one might believe? Nope. These were simply props for the pictures that she INSISTED that I take of her. I literally followed her around taking picture after picture of her as if she were some sort of model. Seriously. And look at the pic of her blowing out the candle. So dramatic.

10. In all honesty, she is THE BEST little sister. She's hilarious, beautiful, smart, and oh how the list continues! It's no wonder so many people love spending time with her. She's truly an amazing person with a huge heart. I never get tired of spending time with her. She is one of my absolute best friends in the world. I'm heading to visit her this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT!
this was taken at her engagement party 2 years ago.

6. She's a marathon runner. Look at that body. Her make up is perfect in this picture too! (Heather, I'm still not sure how you photoshopped this pic so perfectly. I'm almost scared to look at it).

7. SHE MET THE QUEEN! Gorgeous dress, HJTS.

8. She loves her dog. Poor Sophie.

9. She's NOT shy and lives to be the center of attention. These pics were taken on her birthday last year. She's wearing an apron and holding cleaning supplies. Was she cooking and cleaning like one might believe? Nope. These were simply props for the pictures that she INSISTED that I take of her. I literally followed her around taking picture after picture of her as if she were some sort of model. Seriously. And look at the pic of her blowing out the candle. So dramatic.

10. In all honesty, she is THE BEST little sister. She's hilarious, beautiful, smart, and oh how the list continues! It's no wonder so many people love spending time with her. She's truly an amazing person with a huge heart. I never get tired of spending time with her. She is one of my absolute best friends in the world. I'm heading to visit her this weekend and I CAN'T WAIT!

(I created this for Heather LAST year. If you have a few minutes and need a good laugh, check it out!)
Have a wonderful day Heather! I LOVE YOU!!!
Oh yeah, one more thing...if you know Heather, (or maybe even if you don't really know her!), please leave a comment sharing one of your favorite Heather-stories! We all know that there are so many of them! I swear one day I'm going to write a book on Heatherisms! Please think about it and SHARE WITH US!!!! :)
This is great....but where was the pic of the two-piece prom dress?
HAHAHA. No you didn't. So funny.
you are sweet my friend.
i think.
One of my favorite Heather moments: When I got engaged, Heather responded with, "Husband...what would I do with a husband?" (And she wasn't too far behind getting hitched!)
And another is Heather telling her conversation with the Trig teacher over imaginary numbers...she just couldn't get imaginary numbers! :)
jello...or wait was that laura...ha ha ha seriously i can't remember, but iknow there were a lot.
"Girls, Kristen broke her arm."
Laura's reaction: cried
Heather's reaction: "Come on, Harris, let's go play Nintendo."
Our little brat child is growing up! Where did those days of little red school house, pink sponge rollers, and matching smocked dresses go? There are way too many stories to name. Holidays with Heather are always interesting. I wonder how many people she impressed this year in her office after being taught Superman dance at Thanksgiving!
Stories of Heather? I need more time!
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