Sunday, May 25, 2008

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, tomorrow, you're only A DAY AWAY!

Well friends, as you can see from my ticker above, I'm off to the beach tomorrow. FINALLY! My friend Heather and I have been planning this trip since August (literally!) and I am so pumped. I plan on doing a little relaxing, tanning, shopping, and eating good seafood while we're there!
I will be M.I.A from blogging until this weekend. I hope you can cope without me alhough I know it will be tough.
If at some point this week I cross your mind, just picture me laying on a beach and sipping on something fruity because that's probably what I'll be doing!
Don't hate. :)


Tracy~ said...


Tracy~ said...

I really shouldn't say ditto to Heather's shut up since I am not your sister nor do I "know" you. But I'm jealous :)

Jack, Emily, SB & Annie said...

i'm jealous too. hope you are having a blast and sipping on something fruity!

Jack, Emily, SB & Annie said...
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