Monday, August 6, 2007


I'm so sad! My precious friends, Matthew (excuse me, it's now "Dr. Alford"!) and Sarah Alford are moving to Louisiana Wednesday. Tonight I took them to eat (even though Dr. A refused to let me treat!) at their favorite place, Mi Hacienda. Matthew just got a job there, so while I'm thrilled for them, I'm selfishly very sad to see them go! I have become friends with them through Meredith, and it's just been over the past few months that we've gotten even closer. They both share my love for "The Office," good movie quotes, humorous church signs, and mexican food. Consider yourself extremely blessed if you have friends anything like these two. They're rare for sure.
I sure am going to miss these kids. :(

Love you guys! (and I know what you're thinking...YES....Sarah's hair ALWAYS looks that perfect. Sick isn't it?)


mary straton said...

i like your red purse.

Anonymous said...

sad day. i miss all of you. come visit me. then we'll go visit sarah

mary straton said...

in the grocery store yesterday, i heard a country song with bad grammar.

mary straton said...

speaking of grammar, I don't think you need the comma after nephew under the picture of Henry. If I'm not mistaken, a comma would have been needed in that situation if you had more than one nephew. I'll have to consult my AP Stylebook to be sure.

yaya my friend. miss you like junior mints.