Monday, January 12, 2009

Come on, give me a SHOUT!

Every once in a while, my curiosity gets the best of me.
I want to know who's reading about my life! Every 6 months or so, I ask you to leave a comment if you stop by (while also reminding you not to be ashamed if you're a regular 'stalker'! HA!). Obviously I like to see if I have more readers than the last time. I think it's fun just to find out who all is reading AND to see who will actually take the time to let me know they're reading! So come on---leave a comment--you know you want to!
Oh, and also, let me know you're a follower by clicking "follow this blog" on the right! Thanks! Happy Commenting! =)


Anonymous said...

Just checking in.


Katie Walden said...

You know I'm a regular stalker.

The Lively's said...

I'm reading...

Samantha said...

I read, and I enjoy your posts. Please continue to keep us update about the marathon.

I too am looking at the possibility of training for one!

The Beidleman's said...

Happy Monday!!!

Anisa said...

i'm here!

Unknown said...

I read your every post. You are on my Reader with Google!

The Davidsons said...

I'm reading too...

Susan P. said...

i enjoy reading your blog, too!

The Simpsons said...

Hey LT.. I check in on your blog every week. Glad to see you are doing good. Good Luck with your marathon.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

i read regularly for fashion ideas (you have the cutest clothes!) and of course pics of henry :)

Wade's World said...

I admit it...I'm a stalker :)

The Overstreets said...

You know I stalk! love you!

The Mayer Family said...

Hey Laura, I went to State too and found your blog through a friend's blog. I've been keeping up! :) Hope all goes well with the marathon!

Anonymous said...

You caught me...I'm a regular stalker! Always enjoy your posts :)

-lauren zumwalt

Jack, Emily, SB & Annie said...

you know i'll always be here for you.

Shelly Powers said...

I am a regular stalker... i used to be a teacher and you remind me so much of some of my fun single teacher friends. have a great day.

Emily said...

I'm a regular's nice to see someone who is as obsessed with their nephew as i am! good luck with the marathon!

The Segrest Family said...


Anonymous said...

You and Max your cousin LaDanian--not so much.

Tricia said...

double duh.

Chelle said...

I love checking every day to see what kind of new stuff you are blogging about....although it is mostly Henry...but he is so cute, I can't blame You!

Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!
I am a friend of Laura (Howell McQueen) and Emily (Howell Stringer)
Found you through them!
You have a great talent for writing and you are a wonderful storyteller.

The Andersons said...

I STALK!!! :)

Kelli said...

Love reading your blog!

Morgan said...

I read!

Sara said...

I'll admit it...I love to read your blog!

Anonymous said...

I always keep up with you...You are a great writer and an amazing person :)

Sophie Guichard

Alison said...

I'm definitely stalking :)

Anonymous said...

You don't know me and I don't even remember how I found your blog but I am a regular stalker. You are a very talented writer and I love your blog! Good luck on the marathon!

The Nichols Family said...

Yep, still checking in.

Tassie said...

Hey LT! I haveta say that I'm hesitant with technology. If I officially "follow" your blog, what does that mean? I check it everyday and read your posts first, if that means anything! Have a great day!!!

Mrs. McMillen said...

I stalk you! :) haha...

Anonymous said...

"Stalk" sounds kind of negative, so I'll just consider myself a "regular". Keep blogging.
-Donna Alford

laura beth said...

miss you cute girl.

Anonymous said...

I check in every day.

Love ya,

Cousin Lisa

Melanie said...

I read ALL of the time...I need to get better about commenting :)

mary straton said...

yaya my friend.

The Benjamins said...

I'm here!

Anonymous said...

You know I am pulling for you and your half marathon! So, so proud of you!

The Ueltschey's said...

I read!!! Love your blog!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog almost everyday. I love seeing new pics of that cute little Henry!!!
Trish M.

The Shermans said...

I'm still stalking you, Laura.

Ashley said...

I'm a stalker LT... thanks for the header advice!

Unknown said...

Laura - nice to meet you!

Thanks for stopping by my blog today!

We have a maltese named Madison. Her and Max would be very cute together - LOL!

Just want to make sure - did you comment today for the book give-away? I will be happy to enter you!

Blessings - Jill
My husband ran four marathons a few years back and I know the time investment you are making. Good luck! Prayers for good health!

Marty said...

Reader here...

JordanandSaundersRamsey said...

Love reading your blog!!!

Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

I'm here. And, yes, my Henry still fits into your Henry's clothes. But, the size he is in right now are all short sleeves. :(
He has more Henry clothes in his boxes of too big clothes. You're sweet for asking!

Unknown said...

i'm here i'm here!

Anonymous said...

Of course...I connect to your blog directly from my niece-in-law's! Aunt Darlene

Tracy~ said...

not always commenting, but always reading! I'll do better in the new year with commenting!

Happy New Year :)

Tricia said...

Oh my gosh you have over 50 comments. That is awesome. Possibly a record of some type.

Anonymous said...

I'm a stalker! I'm training for a 1/2 too, and I come by to see how things are going for you.
Mackenzie Ferguson

The Gapens said...

Hey LT - I'm a stalker myself! Love your blog!

Samantha said...

I read your blog. I usually visit from my SIL's page, Melanie Smith. You are too funny and have such a cute blog!

Keri said...

I am a stalker! I found you through a friend of a friend that lives in Jackson, MS. I love reading your blog!!

Covenant Construction said...

miss you

Anonymous said...

I check out your blog for a chuckle.
Adam Baird

Anonymous said...

I am slow responding and reading but I am a regular reader!!!!!

Jenny Ruth said...

count me as #61. love it. and i need to see you soon. it's been too long!!

Tara said...

Hey Laura! I am a friend of Jenny Ruth and I guess thats how I found your blog. You always make me laugh...I stole your idea for my blog to see who reads too! Come and leave me a comment!


The Kosko Family said...

i love to check in on you from time to time....

Sam H said...


Meredith Shapley said...

Delayed response! Sorry! :)

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?