Friday, January 30, 2009

as if you don't ALREADY know...

I’ve been blogging now for almost 2 ½ years, and let’s be honest, there’s not a WHOLE LOT about myself that hasn’t already been exposed in blog world. However, when there’s a “tag” going on, I can’t ignore it. I was tagged a couple of times on facebook for this (I prefer the blog way more than facebook), so I’m feeling the pressure. I am to come up with 25 MORE things about myself to share. Seriously? I’m not sure I can do this, but I’m about to try. So here goes…and who knows, maybe I WILL decide to let the facebook world in on this too...
I compiled this list last night...
25 MORE things that maybe you don’t know about me.
(insert drumroll here):
1. I have crooked middle fingers. I have no explanation for it. It’s just how God made me.
2. I do not walk around ANYWHERE without shoes on. Even when I’m in my own home, I always have something on my feet. Again—no explanation.
3. I chew A LOT of gum but not for a long period of time. I chew a piece for a little while, spit it out, and then a few minutes later I’ll get another piece. This tends to annoy some people.
4. I carry Mace with me when I go running. Paranoid maybe, but it makes me feel in control and safe.
5. I have a mental block when it comes to doing my taxes. For some reason, I just DON’T GET IT. Thank goodness my mom is a genius. Every year she “helps” me with them and explains exactly what to do. Then, the next year I TRY to do them myself, and always end up going back to mom. I hope to marry someone who understands better.
6. I LOVE being a teacher but HATED being a student. I just don’t know if I could go back to school.
7. I have never had a cavity.
8. I am seriously knock-kneed. It’s quite possibly the first thing anyone notices about me.
9. I (with the help of my parents) once played Santa Claus for a former student and his siblings a few Christmases ago because he wasn’t getting anything for Christmas. It was one of the best feelings I’ve ever had.
10. If I got married RIGHT NOW, I would have 12 bridesmaids. I realize that’s a bit ridiculous, but I just consider myself lucky that I have 12 best friends!
11. I LOVE eye make up. Bobbi Brown, please.
12. I love peanut butter. In fact, I love it so much that I can’t allow myself to buy it because I would literally eat it with a spoon out of the jar until it was gone. I have portion control issues.
13. I am fascinated by twins, triplets, etc. I wonder if that’s a sign of what’s to come for me…
14. I REFUSE to pull anyone’s tooth. This is ironic because I’m a second grade teacher so I’m surrounded by loose teeth, but my kids know up front that I get a little weak at the thought of being the one to pull them.
15. I require more sleep than the average 27 year old.
16. One of my biggest goals in life is to become a mother.
This is a good one: *17. Recently my sister Kristen had a picture of the 3 of us (me, Kristen, and Heather). When a co-worker saw it, she asked Kristen if we all had the same parents. Kristen (a little confused), replied “yes,” and the girl then pointed to me and said, “well, I was just wondering because this one looks HALF ASIAN!” HA! I thought it was funny and most definitely took it as a compliment! For the record: I am NOT half Asian and YES, my sisters and I all come from the same parents!
18. The prongs of a hair dryer plug went up my foot. Yep…when I was a sophomore in college, I jumped off the top bunk and landed directly on it. It was excruciatingly painful to say the least.
19. Sometimes I like to bake cookies for others just so I’ll have an excuse to eat the cookie dough.
20. I buy birthday/anniversary cards a year in advance. For example: I go to Hallmark in January with a list of every single person I need to buy a card for that entire year. It usually takes me a LONG time to shop, and it costs a good chunk of money, but it makes it so much easier for me. I have a greeting card organizer where I keep everyone’s card for the year.
21. Ironically, I sometimes feel cuter when I have on jeans instead of when I’m wearing a formal dress and really TRYING to look cute.
22. As a child, I LOVED turnip greens. Now the look and smell of them make me sick. My grandmother used to always fix them for me and for years I pretended to still like them, FORCING myself to swallow some in front of her because I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I hated them!
23. I have a fear of witnessing someone choke. I watch my students like a hawk when they’re in the cafeteria.
24. I don’t think the TV show Friends is all that funny.
25. I am giving up sweets for LENT again this year. It’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.

Have a great weekend! :)


Brandy Parker said...

Here, Here on 5, 6, and 7! Kind of funny :)

Katie Walden said...

I think #18 happened to at least one KD every year. It was so weird.

Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

I remember when #18 happened.
Oh, Mckee Hall....LD

Anonymous said...

Is that you in blue in the picture with the sisters? You do look kinda exotic, but that's a good thing. Sorry about your foot injury.

The Beamer's said...

I want Mace!!! Where do you get it?

Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

have you scrapblogged lately? you now have to PAY!! LD

Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

have you scrapblogged lately? you now have to PAY!! LD

Laura @ our messy messy life. said...

have you scrapblogged lately? you now have to PAY!! LD

Ashley Jessie said...

Laughed about the comment to Kristen about coming from the same parents. Too funny.

I emailed pics to you again but this time to both email accts. Your hotmail acct came back to me...but hopefully you got it on your school acct. Let me know.