Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I just CAN'T stop!

Yes, it's true, part of the reason I look forward to this time of year is because of mini cadbury eggs. Jenny, mentioned them in a recent post, so I know she feels the same way about them as I do...they are FANTASTIC!
Now, if I was able to buy a bag, share with others, and make the ONE bag last for a while, that would be OK.
Here's my problem: I CAN'T CONTROL MY PORTIONS (it's the same reason why I can't buy cereal...I eat WAY more than a serving size!). I really will eat them until I feel sick, and somehow that makes me think that I'm eating more than ONE serving. Hmmmm...
I've got a bag at my house now. I've been "good" today; I've only had a couple of them, but when I'm not munching on them, I'm thinking about how they're just sitting there in my cabinet waiting to be eaten. I guess I better go ahead and finish them so I'll stop thinking about them, huh?


*Side note: My birthday is next Friday (the 23rd), so if YOU want to buy me a bag, I guess it would be rude for me to turn them down, right??



Unknown said...

I am so glad I am not the only one who eats these until they make themselves sick. I bought some last week, and ate probably 15-20 before Luke got home...I almost couldnt eat dinner b/c I was so sick.
I Love Easter Candy!!!

Anisa said...

i am the exact same way with cereal and those egg things. i really can't control myself!! i had to quit buying cereal too!

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess you know what eileen is going to get you for your Birthday !! One bag per year..just be ready....ahahah
Come by to see us one night if you feel like it, Sylvain is in Vegas and we are having a very boring Sprink Break also...

Jenny said...

yep. ate a whole bag (the big one) by myself within a week's time. not good for this whole pregnancy weight-loss thing. no self control here, either. but dang, aren't they good? happy spring break!

love you!

Anonymous said...

i have a bag of those in my office. i had to move them across the room so i would stop eating them. they are like pringles...once you pop them open, you just can't stop!

i'm a big fan!