Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Fat Tuesday and other random happenings.

I most definitely had a FAT Tuesday. My day started with a piece of king cake followed by some chocolate chip cookies, which was again followed by MORE king cake. You may remember me giving up sweets for Lent last year. Well, as NOT FUN as that was, I'm actually doing it again this year. In all seriousness, eating fewer sweets can only improve my running, and it'll no doubt make me feel better. Will it be easy? No way. Will I become excessively moody? Most definitely. Today was my last day of sweets, and I think you would agree that I took full advantage. I had actually planned on hitting up Coldstone tonight for a REALLY big dessert, but after all the junk I've already had today, I think I'm going to wait and go after Lent is over as a celebration! So, here goes. Except for the piece(s) of cake I plan on consuming on my birthday, which happens to fall during the 40 day period (I think I should be allowed to cheat for just ONE day!), I will be without the loves of my life--cookies, cake, chocolate, candy, etc. Oh how they will be missed.
Next order of business for the evening: I can't go without pointing out the poll results, which you'll see posted on the right. I must say, I was sweating bullets in the end when I realized how close it was going to be. To all of my Seinfeld voters out there--thank you. I am very much looking forward to my friend Nelson seeing the results. I've been friends with this guy for nearly half of my life, and I'm pretty sure I've never really "beat" him at anything...(well, except for bowling---twice), so I'm very much looking forward to playing this one up! As I've said before, it's the little things in life that make me smile sometimes! :) I'm glad I'm finally able to prove that Seinfeld really IS better.
Lastly--you may have noticed the new button I added on the right. This is a really neat site that allows you to turn your blog into hardback books! I haven't spent too much time reading about it all, but from what I can tell it seems great and not so expensive. I'm not actually going to do it, as my book would consist mainly of topics such as cadbury eggs and mexican food. I think I'll hold off on owning a book. ;) I think this is ideal for bloggers who have growing families or if you're really just wanted to have a permanent documentation of your posts! Check it out! Note: when you click on the button, you'll be asked if you want to buy MY blog! Ha! You can somehow change it your url and get YOURS ordered!
Here's to hoping I'm able to survive my first no-sweets day tomorrow! :)


Laura @ Our Messy Messy Life said...

You are a better person than me -- never, could I ever, succesfully give up sweets for Lent. In fact, I am planning on "picking up" rather than "giving up." Not sure if that's within the 'rules'....

Guess what my Sudduth girl told me first thing in the car this afternoon??? Ms. T. sure eat alot of king cake today!!! She called you out before you called yourself out!

LT (and Max) said...

ha! thanks for ratting me out even more laura! yes, she's the one who actually brought the 2nd round of cake to my classroom. my students knew that today was it for me with sweets, so when she came in to give it to me, they made a really big deal about it! they were on my case about it all day! :)

Anonymous said...

Did you get the baby in either of your slices of king cake? 'Cause if so, that means you get a day off sometime during Lent...perhaps your natalday?

Tassie said...

i think it's very brave of you to give up sweets....I couldn't do it!