Friday, February 20, 2009


Help solve the never-ending argument between me and a friend ONCE AND FOR ALL! Vote which TV show you think is better: "Seinfeld" or "Friends." To me, it's a no brainer, but apparently there ARE some people out there who disagree! :)

I want your input (but PLEASE vote wisely!) :)


Sam H said...

I broke the 9-9 tie. Lets hope truth prevails!

mary straton said...

i'm going to go out on a limb here - I kind of think comparing the two is like apples and oranges. Sure, they both fall in the sitcom category, but they are clearly VERY different. On this basis, i refuse to participate. Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Katie Walden said...

This is a tough one though. Both are great and both make me laugh out loud still. Everytime.

theelliottfamily said...

I agree with MS. I voted because there is one that I like more than the other...but they are different comedies. Friends is a sappy, lovey dovey comedy whereas, Seinfield is histerically, dry comedy. Totally different, but one sure did make me laugh more than the other! NO SOUP FOR YOU!

LT (and Max) said...'s where i disagree, MSKS...

sure it's like choosing between apples and oranges, but you wouldn't compare apples and apples! (not sure that even makes sense)

basically--if both shows were on at the same time, which one would you watch??

i think you know.

Tricia said...

I hate Ross. But his show gets my vote anyway. Sorry LT.

Kelli said...

I have a Seinfeldesque story for you...I'll have to tell you sometime when I see you in person! Grab me at church one Sunday, and I'll tell you!

Anonymous said...

Seinfeld and it's not even close. 'Friends' is the Kenny Banya of sitcoms. You know, the kind of stuff you don't have to think too much to get.

LT (and Max) said...


i knew i could count on you. this is why we are friends.

i do not understand some people.

mary straton said...

i didn't say it was choosing between apples or oranges, it's comparing the two. I would never compare Big Love to Iron Chef, for example.

Anonymous said...

Clearly those with a superior sense of humor know that even though Seinfeld is funny, it cannot compare to the overall and far reaching effects Friends has on those who understand true comedy!

Anonymous said...

What are these "Friends" people thinking???? No one really lives or acts like they do! Jerry's life is more believable--in fact, it's spectacular!

Wade's World said...

I so hate to be the voice of opposition here, but Friends has my vote hands down. It is hilarious! Seinfeld was also great, but the final episode just ruined the entire series for me.

I have random quotes from Friends that always float around my head. The show ALWAYS makes me laugh.

Anonymous said...

Friends is actually winning the poll right now? Seriously? Seinfeld is hilarious and can be infinitely rewatched. Friends simply isn't funny to begin with. I really dislike the show and never understood how it became popular. There must be like three people voting for Friends over and over again. I can't see more people than that actually liking the show over Seinfeld.

The Stringers said...

sorry, but friends is way better. i think i may have seen like 3 episodes of that other show in my whole life....don't be a hater...

Mrs. McMillen said...

seinfeld. no question about it...I'm very sad that Friends is winning right now... :(

Unknown said...

i like 30 rock.

The Quinns said...

Sorry laura- i'm on the friends bandwagon- i just never did love the seinfield brand of comedy- it always drove me crazy that george was going to do something stupid every time and you could never stop him!!!

Tracy~ said...

I voted - Seinfeld, hands down. It is genius - just like The Office!