Tuesday, January 29, 2008

still under the weather...

I woke up this morning---still sick. In fact, call me crazy, but I feel like my cough is getting worse even AFTER I got meds from the doctor. I sound like an 85-year-old-male-smoker. Not even kidding. It's completely disgusting. JR even told me he's never heard such a deep cough from a female...niiiice. I'm sure he loves saying that about his girlfriend. SO, I'm on day 4 of this sickness mess and day 5 is quickly approaching (yes, I took off work tomorrow too). Some people may think I've got it made....sleeping in, staying in from work, being waited on, laying around watching TV, etc...WRONG. I'm about to go crazy. Let me assure you that I would MUCH rather be at work. No doubt.
Tuesday nights are fun for me though because I get to look forward to American Idol, so I've been planning my naps around 7 pm. You better believe that when 6:57 pm rolled around, I was on the couch, orange juice in hand (I've had approximately 3 gallons since Saturday), anxiously awaiting my show, when all of a sudden... boom. The station blacked out. ALL of the stations you ask? Nope. Just the ONE station I want to watch. WHY NOW???? Just my luck.
It did come back on around 7:30, but I still had to miss the first half hour of my show. Quite a bummer.
On a lighter note, I must share a story about my sweet mother.
This Thursday, I'm supposed to play Bunko with my teacher friends. My friend Heather and I are hosting this month. We're having it at Heather's house and I'm in charge of making the food for dinner. Since I've been feeling so terrible this week, I didn't know WHAT I was going to do about the food. I mean, who knows if I'll even feel well enough to GO Thursday night, muchless have food prepared for 12 people?! I had pretty much decided that I would go to the grocery store tomorrow night, get all of the stuff, and cook, no matter if I felt up to it or not. That way, even if I'm unable to go to Bunko, I'll at least have food for them to have.
my wonderful mom absolutely insisted on cooking the meal for me. She went to the store for me, bought the ingredients, and is at home right now cooking. I didn't ask her to do this and when I tried to talk her out of it, she wouldn't hear of it. Is she fabulous or what?
Talk about someone who has the heart of a servant...


Anonymous said...

what a good momma!!! I love playing bunco! hope you feel better so u can play on thursday!

The Manning Family said...

So sorry your still not feeling well. I hope you get better soon.
Your mom is AWESOME! What a sweet thing to do for her sick baby! Gotta love a mama!

Unknown said...

melita is supa-mama.

Anisa said...

that is SO sweet about your mom!! hope you feel better soon!!

The Benjamins said...

Hope you feel better! I bet your kids at school miss you! Your mom is great!

Anonymous said...

awe...Laura! I hope you feel better soon!

Tracy~ said...

Oh how I feel for you! It took me two weeks to get mostly well and I sounded the same as you... ughh! My voice is still gravely.

I hope you get to feeling better soon.

Your mom is very sweet!

The Texas VicHorns said...

your mom is wonderful. I told vic you were in a dire situation and that I needed to fly home immediately.

but don't hold your breath.

Tracy~ said...

Just stopping by to say I hope you're feeling better.