Friday, February 16, 2007

3 things I'll NEVER ask somebody...

I have come up with a list of 3 things that I've learned NEVER...EVER to ask somebody. An experience that my beautiful, SKINNY sister Heather encountered today inspired me to share my thoughts with you...
So this list is especially for those of you who don't THINK before you SPEAK.

  • NEVER ask somebody if they're pregnant. PERIOD. Earlier this school year someone asked me if I was pregnant. I mean, have I really gained THAT much weight??? Needless to say, I cried, thinking that EVERYONE thought that about me (yes, I'm paranoid). Seriously, I'm not even DATING anybody! Well, guess what? Heather was asked the SAME thing today. (Now, she looks way "less pregnant" than I do, but AT LEAST she's actually married!!). So, I don't care if a girl is 8 months pregnant and it's QUITE obvious that she is, I will still not ask her if she's pregnant...(for all I know, she could have had a baby 3 months earlier, and my foot would be going directly into my mouth.)

  • NEVER ask a single person (especially a FEMALE) when she (he) is getting married. I am nearly 26 and single. Do I enjoy people saying "why aren't you dating anybody?" or "when are YOU getting married?" No. Absolutely not. All that is, is a reminder that I am still single...and I promise, I'm completely aware.

  • NEVER ask a MARRIED couple when they are having kids. Now, obviously this is one that I haven't experienced, but there are lots of people close to me who are married and are completely annoyed by that question. So, this is basically something that I was told never to ask someone and I just decided to pass it on to you.

If any of these things have ever happened to you, of if you have ever put your "foot in your mouth (see picture below (: )," then I'm sure you appreciate me passing on this list! :)


Jason, Cathy, Claire, Grey, and Nate said...

I love it and totally agree with your three statements! I got asked this summer if I was pregnant and it was totally depressing:) I hope everything is going great in Starkville.

The Segrest Family said...

agree. agree. agree. on all three counts. first of all- i feel the pain of getting asked 'when are you due?' while your 8 week old lies in his car seat.
and getting asked when are you going to have kids and in your mind you are thinking, 'thanks. just had a miscarriage!' i know that sounds harsh, but it is reality. there are alot of folks that would love to be pregnant but arent.... and alot of folks that are single and want to be with someone!!!! good post laura!

The Kosko Family said...

kudos for your post, lt...well said...

a. i get asked on a regular basis if i am pregnant.

not cool

b. i get asked on a very regular basis when we are having another baby.

none of your beezwax.

c. i have someone vey close to me who gets asked all the time why she isn't dating someone.

i mean, what do you say to that??? it is just a really stupid question.