Sunday, January 13, 2008

much ado about nothing.

I have had several complaints lately about the picture I posted from my last entry. Lots of people have requested that I blog again ASAP because that monster of a picture was apparently causing nightmares and in some cases, severe panic attacks.
Slight exaggerration perhaps, but frankly, I'm sick of looking at that picture everytime I look at my blog, so I'm here to do us all a favor.
Allow me to recap the last few days of my life, partially for entertainment, and partially just to give me something to blog about.
Rewind a couple of days to:
Thursday afternoon.
Setting: School; approximately 12:35 pm
I notice the weather looking a little sketchy outside. I was aware that there was a chance of rain outside, but apparently I was somewhat oblivious to the fact that we were under a tornado warning. Apparently I missed that memo. When I realized the seriousness of the weather, I knew we were in for quite an eventful afternoon.
Luckily, all of those monthly tornado drills we're required to do paid off, as my students knew exactly what to do when the tornado bell began ringing. You remember these drills from school? You know...fetal position-against the wall-packed in together like sardines-hand protecting head...the whole deal. (I hated doing that when I was in school!). What my 21 little angels didn't know is that they'd have to stay in this position for an hour and a half! Ever spent that amount of time with that many kids being told that they had to be still and couldn't move or talk? I wouldn't recommend it. Seriously. It was miserable. After about an hour, I was wanting to beat my head against the wall and I was starting to question my decision to become a teacher. I'm only kidding (well, sort of). I was actually proud of my students. None of them freaked out or cried like many of the other kids in the school. Mine were just complaining of being hot and tired of sitting there. Who could blame them? They could have cared less about the weather. Thankfully, nothing ever got really serious here and by the time our fun hour and a half spent in the hall was over, it was time to go home. What a day.
Friday was pretty uneventful until that night when JR and I went to Stromboli's with my friend Heather and her husband Tom (I love them) and had some of the most fantastic pizza I've ever had in my life. Ever eaten there? What I don't understand is why I never ate there in college. You would have been amazed to see how much pizza 4 people consumed in a matter of minutes. I was hurting later that night, but it was well worth it.
Saturday, I spent most of the afternoon in New Hope (Holla Jenny!) at a baby shower for JR's sister Laura, who's expecting her first child in May. I was also able to see JR's other sister, Mary Martha, who just announced that she TOO is expecting and will be due in August. Congrats to both!
Sunday (today), JR and I drove to Greenwood to eat lunch and spend time with his family. I, once again, ate so much that I was hurting. We had a great time, although it was too short. When I got home, I had just enough time to go for a quick jog before heading to Nana's to eat with MY family for dinner. The theme for today: FOOD.
Yeah, I probably won't be eating this week.
Have a great one!


mary straton said...

Greenwood is cool. I am cool now that I can text.

Adelia said...

Your school should do like ours and just let school out early so that all that sitting in the hall can be bypassed. Next time you and JR feel like driving to see family for the day, why don't you head south to Meridian to see me? I like to eat too.

Craig and Katie said...

Oh my goodness - I don't miss that part of teaching. Thanks so much for your sweet comment. It was great to hear from you!

Unknown said...

that is why i am not a teacher. we had to sit in the hall for only 35 minutes. but it was long enough. and there were no kids.

Regina said...

Oh my goodness gracious, I CAN NOT imagine sitting in the hallway like that for an hour and a half and I am not in elementary school! I can't imagaine, I would have gone completely nuts! Spending a lot of time with the cute boyfriend, I see, spending a lot of time with his family doing the family thing...interesting! :)

The Texas VicHorns said...

eating is fun. i love it.

Bo, Tori, and Brayden said...

It was good to finally meet you. I'm glad you all were able to make it to the shower.