So...which of these would receive YOUR vote for the new stupid place Ole Miss mascot?

(the dumbest one of all if you ask me...)
Is anybody else glad they're NOT going to have to be a Land Shark, Black Bear, or heaven forbid-HOTTY TODDY?
Once again. I'm proud to be a Bulldog.
I like you, Laura! Go Dawgs!
Isn't that the truth, Laura?? Go DAWGS!!!
OMG these are all AWFUL. I don't like Ole Miss at all but I feel bad for them, this has got to be a huge joke! Landsharks? WHAT???
laura mcwhirter
They are all awful and I think most Ole Miss fans feel the same way!!
I'm not a big fan of any of them, but Hotty Toddy is THE WORST! According to the report they put out, he will even include a gray bodysuit, complete with muscles, and a facemask. That's just creepy...
Plus, if he's wearing a facemask, we won't be able to enjoy his tears of disappointment at the Egg Bowl. Go Dawgs!
They all make me sick!!! Go Rebels!!! And Colonel Reb dang it! Grrr...and go DAWGS!
hotty toddy looks like The Situation
hahahah I'm dying at Heather's comment.
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