Friday, October 24, 2008


Click collage to enlarge. Can you tell that I'm obsessed with Scrapblog?

I enjoy going to concerts. Not only do I love the live music, but I also find it quite entertaining to check out people's outfits-especially at a country concert. You really never know what you might find. I definitely saw a fantastic perm-femullet. Yes friends. It was curly in sort of a crimp-like way, and really long. I love a good mullet. You will also see girls (of all ages and sizes) wearing skirts that barely cover their you-know-whats. Apparently the 40 degree weather means nothing to them. It's always particularly distracting (although I'll shamefully admit that it's entertaining too!) to sit behind a couple and watch them have drink after drink after drink. I become embarrassed for the guy as he starts making totally unneccessary and innappropriate comments. I also seem to be the lucky one directly behind this guy (as I was last night). I'm also not particularly fond of PDA, which, unfortunately is somewhat common at these types of concerts. I'm sure you know my feelings towards this topic...hold hands if you'd like, but please PLEASE spare us all from a make out session for everyone to see. Ugh.

ANYWAY- Sugarland was fabulous as expected. Heather and I drove to Tupelo where we sat with another teacher friend, Melanie and her husband. Our tickets were really good (as you can probably tell from my pics).

Katey and Kane were there too. I was going to try to find them on my own, but that I wouldn't stand a chance in such a large crowd. Before the concert even started, I ran into them (that was right after they got to meet Jennifer Nettles. Yep. That's right. I don't want to talk about it). Our seats were fairly close to each other so we actually got to see them a couple more times. She has such a cute little belly. :)

Sure I'm tired today. It was a huge deal to get me out that late--especially on a school night! I can't function and I have fallen asleep different times while teaching today. But alas, the day is nearly over and I can go home and nap.

Was it worth the pain that I feel today? Absolutely.


I am runnning in a 5k in the morning. Let's just hope I'm rested by then or it will NOT be pretty.....

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

You failed to mention the girls behind us... HAHAHA!
Enjoyed it! I am ALSO VERY tired!!!

Unknown said...

1) you look cute. so does heather. so does katie. so does melanie. cuteness abounds.
2) you could not pay me to go there
3) once I wore a backless shirt to a counting crows concert. guilty. it was only half out. I was 17. It was in then. Regardless, you would have made fun.
4) I probably also had glitter on my eyes
5) i bet candy hates your earrings

Mrs. McMillen said...

i'm soooo jealous!

Mrs. McMillen said...

i'm soooo jealous!

The Robertsons said...

Sorry to disappoint everyone, but I don't think I hate the earrings. I am a fan of big earrings. I am very jealous you went to a concert without me. Am I being replaced? I would love to go see Sugarland. They are becoming one of my favorites. Why is there always that drunk guy at every concert? Now that you mention it, I cannot think of one George concert that I have been to that didn't have a drunk guy!

Tassie said...

I so wish that I could have gone to that have such an exciting life!(sigh)