Thursday, October 2, 2008


Heard of this? I was actually told about this several months ago, but it's been a lot more recently that I've read even more about the importance of having an ICE number in your cell phone. What is "ICE" you may ask? Basically all you do is enter your emergency contact as "ICE" (In Case of an Emergency) so that if you're ever in an emergency situation, someone could simply look under "ICE" in your phone and know exactly who to contact. I think it's a very simple and SMART idea. My parents' home number is my emergency contact. I now refer to my mom as "ICE." I guess I think that's funny or something. ANYWAY, just thought I'd pass along the message, so that you can think about putting ICE in YOUR cell phone! Share the idea with friends and family members! You never know when it might come in handy.
Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Amy Jordon said...

I've always wondered who the good Samaritan would call who happened to find me unconscious somewhere. Wonder if the good Samaritan would know about ICE? Good idea, though. Maybe if they are cell phone friendly they could call the last person you called. Unless that was voice mail or something unhelpful like that.(: