Monday, April 19, 2010


My first blog post was written over 3 years ago and was titled "I'm an Aunt!" . I posted it after my older sister Kristen gave birth to sweet Henry, (who, I'm guessing you're familiar with by now). Anyone who has nieces or nephews, but not children of their own, understand what I mean when I say that I truly can't imagine loving another child the way I love these precious ones. I just can't describe it.
Anyway, I'm so excited to say that my NEWEST nephew, Jones Edward Skaggs was born Saturday, April 17! I've seen him only once and I already completely love that child. I'm so excited about seeing my little sister as a mom.

I have so many pictures to share from the glorious day of his birth, but tonight I'm only sharing my favorite of them all.

Does it get any sweeter than this?

More pictures to come!

-Aunt "La La"

1 comment:

The Segrest Family said...

awwwwww congrats!!!! and I TOTALLY understand 'aunt love'. I had my niece Abby before I had my own babies... and I still ADORE that child like my firstborn!!! Jones' is a doll! So is Henry!!