CONGRATULATIONS TO MATTHEW AND SARAH! Sweet Candice Anne was born on Friday! She was a chunky 11 lbs. 10 oz., and both she and Sarah are doing great! I can't wait to get down there and squeeze that little angel. I love her already! Isn't she a doll? 
Secondly, I need your help. A dear friend of mine whose name will go unmentioned (I don't necessarily want her receiving hate mail for the comment she made), had the NERVE to tell me the other day that Vince Gill was more talented than my George Strait. WHAT? Are you kidding me? I couldn't believe she would even say such a thing in my presence. I tried to convince her that what she was saying was incorrect, but she was completely intransigent.
So, I'm asking for your help. I need you to vote on who you think has more talent. Now, I understand that not everybody is a country music fan. However, you can NOT like the music but still be able to admit when someone is talented, right? So, do me a favor and vote (poll is on the right). This needs to be settled once and for all. Thanks.
FINALLY...MEREDITH IS COMING THIS WEEK! I can hardly stand it. She's flying in tomorrow night, so it'll be mid-week before I get to see her. I absolutely can NOT wait!
Happy Monday, readers!
I'm so very impressed that you used the word "intransigent" correctly in your post! You're a girl after my own heart!
I must admit I'm going to look up "intransigent" - but I do know you were correct about that sweet new baby. Have a great week and tell Meredith "Hello" from the Alfords.
Donna Alford
Vince is a goob.
bob saget is more talented than both vince gill and george straight. And barbara streisand. She can sing, dance AND act.
sweet baby. They are presh.
a little off topic:
i can't believe y'alls reunion is next year! we do need to get together when i'm in town at some point. i would say tcby, but it's gone. so i would say cool scoops, but i was dismayed to find it is gone too! what is the world coming to? we had to stop in tuscaloosa, where they still have tcby. thank goodness.
I love that I am "intransigent"!I am still standing firm on the VinceGill fact to this minute!
LOVE, LOVE that man and his music!
See you in the morning, friend!
"King" George Strait?! Please!
I agree with you that George is more talented than Vince. BTW, I like your new header and the polka dot border!
I'm casting my vote for George Strait! He can act, too! Wasn't he in that movie... can't remember the name, but I loved it and I think I cried. And he's hot.
Love the new header!
PS - that baby is HUGE! 11 lbs?! She is precious, though!
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