I don't have much time, but I feel like so much has happened since my last post! FIRST OF ALL, I got to see a couple of very dear friends this past weekend. Meredith was in town for a few days and I was fortunately able to spend a good bit of time with her while she was here (a couple of pictures were taken of us, but they are not in my possession right now. When I receive them, I will post them if they are cute). Thursday we went to Tipico and then we headed over to Jack and Emily's to watch the season premiere of The Office. Did you watch it? It as wonderful of course. Any predicitions for this season? While I am thrilled about the big proposal, I don't exactly think that it's going to be smooth sailing for those 2.
Oh and by the way, I'm still in love with Jim.
Claire was in town Friday night, so she spent the night with me and she, Mere, and I were able to spend a LITTLE time together. It's such a tease to see these friends for such short periods of time, and then have to say goodbye to them. I miss them all of the time.
The weekend ended last night with the season premiere of Desperate Housewives. Did anybody watch THAT one? I know it sounds like I'm a TV-oholic, but I promise I'm very selective with my shows. I am loyal to my shows though! As with The Office, predictions for DH this season are also welcomed.

I'm looking forward to a 4 day week this week. I'm taking off Friday, and mom and I are heading to Birmingham for the night. I plan doing a little shopping for myself and getting a jump start on Christmas shopping! My dear friend Shannon (who lives in Nashville) and her mom are joining us Friday night. I love that girl and can't wait to see her! I'm looking forward to a mother-daughter weekend!
I enjoyed the season premiere of The Office. Of course, I was also happy with the proposal, but got a little concerned when Pam made "friends" with people at her school. I'm really curious about what will happen with Michael and Jan/Holly and of course the Angela and Dwight/Andy storyline. I know about not wanting to miss your shows. Mine are Survivor, Amazing Race, American Idol, Biggest Loser, and of course The Office.
I am so jealous of your 4 day week. Enjoy it b/c you deserve it!
I think that 'friend' of Pam's is going to cause some trouble. YOU FINALLY HAVE JIM AND A RING AND YOU BETTER NOT MESS AROUND WITH THAT STRANGER!!!
I also think Andy and Angela have a few things that need to be worked out.
I have the Office DVR'd and one of these days will watch it :)
Thank you for your comment;)
I think the boys and I are going to the Egg Bowl! We should sit together! Or wave to each other!!!
Oh wait, it's in Oxford this year - are you coming up? Or do you get hives when you get close? :)
Have a great short week! Tell Meredith to blog again!
I miss you already!
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