Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My little helper, IDOL talk, and a VERY disturbing video...

I had to post this picture. Look at that little face (try to look past the fact that his eyes make him look possessed). He always loves to lay on clean towels that I am folding, especially when they're just out of the dryer! The other night I was folding away and when I noticed his little head resting on a couple of towels, I placed 2 more folded towels on his head. Being the spaz that he is, I thought he'd jump up immediately. No. It must have been comforting to him because he stayed exactly like this for a while (his little eyes even closed after a few minutes too! Haha). He didn't even budge when I walked out of the room to get my camera. He must have had a really hard day. Bless his heart.
Man, I love that dog.
Alright, so it's crunch time on Idol. We're down to 6 contestants (one of which will be eliminated TONIGHT). I want to hear your predictions. Mine? David Cook ALL THE WAY. After I was able to get over Michael, the Australian hottie, getting eliminated, D.C. became my man. In my opinion, he's the most consistent and the most versatile of them all.
I've added a poll on the right side of my blog, so you should definitely cast your vote and let me know what YOU think.
And finally...are you ready for this? I saw this on the news tonight and was completely APPALLED. I understand that there are quite a few people out there who disagree with George W., but SERIOUSLY? This has gotten out of hand. To make things worse...THIS IS A CHILD!!Take a look at this:
WARNING: You should NOT watch this with children around! This little boy has quite a potty mouth!



Jack, Emily, SB & Annie said...

that is so sad. poor kid. someone needs to adopt that little boy and LOVE him!

Julie said...

I agree with your Idol prediction. I like David Cook a lot... I really liked how he softened up this week and still sounded awesome. Plus, that whole thing with his brother just break my heart!!

Unknown said...

max is funny.

i haven't looked at the video because I figured if kids couldn't hear it, neither should my boss.

maybe later.

Tracy~ said...

Max is sweet!

I want D.A. to win over D.C.

That kid is being taught to be a thug. I wonder if his parent(s) know that he (they) can go to jail for threatening the President.

Adelia said...

I haven't seen too much of Idol this season but i love David Cook. He has been my pick since the audition episodes.

laura beth said...
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laura beth said...

"Listening Americas. One of your president will die."

How many "president" do we have?

Wade's World said...

That kid is seriously disturbed. He needs to be locked up, and quickly. Where is his mama?

Oh, and about idol, I am loving David A. He is such a cutie, but I wish he could pick songs that show that he is 17.

Great blog!