I've become quite a fan of the "ABC" birthday list, so here's CLAIRE'S very own list:
Alpine, TX. A fantastic trip taken by the 2 of us to visit our dear, dear friend.
Birmingham. Where she calls "home" at the moment (and a great place for me to visit!)
Circus peanuts. (Actually "C" could stand for crap candy! If it's nasty and sugary, she LOVES it!)
Dances to "Colors of the Wind" regularly.
Emerald monster. May it RIP.
Friend. And a very good one at that. I'm thankful everyday for my friendship with Claire!
Griffin. Patty Griffin that is.
Hot tea. She LOOOOVES it.
Involved. In college, she was the girl that was involved in E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. It sorta stressed me out. Then again, Claire's life in general stresses me out.
James Taylor lover
Knows more people than anybody I know. This girl is so easy to be friends with. She's been a bridesmaid in approximately 348 weddings.
Literature teacher. And a dang good one too.
Mississippi girl (even if she never lives in this glorious state again!)
Obsessions. A few include: Clifford, Dwight K. Schrute, Ebay, and Prefontaine
Red wine
Smashing pumpkins (literally)
Teacher friend
Unleash the monster
X-cellent writer
Yaya. While she's not the one who gave me the name, she'll never again refer to me as anything else.
Zyrtec. A dear friend of hers. Unfortunately.
Birmingham. Where she calls "home" at the moment (and a great place for me to visit!)
Circus peanuts. (Actually "C" could stand for crap candy! If it's nasty and sugary, she LOVES it!)
Dances to "Colors of the Wind" regularly.
Emerald monster. May it RIP.
Friend. And a very good one at that. I'm thankful everyday for my friendship with Claire!
Griffin. Patty Griffin that is.
Hot tea. She LOOOOVES it.
Involved. In college, she was the girl that was involved in E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. It sorta stressed me out. Then again, Claire's life in general stresses me out.
James Taylor lover
Knows more people than anybody I know. This girl is so easy to be friends with. She's been a bridesmaid in approximately 348 weddings.
Literature teacher. And a dang good one too.
Mississippi girl (even if she never lives in this glorious state again!)
Obsessions. A few include: Clifford, Dwight K. Schrute, Ebay, and Prefontaine
Red wine
Smashing pumpkins (literally)
Teacher friend
Unleash the monster
X-cellent writer
Yaya. While she's not the one who gave me the name, she'll never again refer to me as anything else.
Zyrtec. A dear friend of hers. Unfortunately.
Welcome to being "close to 30" just like me!
Love you much!
while i see the similarities to you and judge sotomayor, you are MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE. but that is kinda funny!
-laura mcwhirter
I just fell out of my chair. Thank you for a perfect Thursday morning chuckle...aka...Judge.
yay we love claire
Aw, thanks yaya! I just now got to read this post because I had to wait for my replacement adapter so I could charge the ole laptop. I loved reading this - very sweet. You were wrong on one point, though...I WILL now call you something other than yaya....
hehe :)
Love you!
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