You know what to do...
leave a comment and tell me who you are (whether I know you personally or not!)! It's fun to see how many people stop by. Also, if you've got a blog, and you're not on my blog list, let me know and I'll add you!
Don't leave me hanging! COMMENT! :)
This is your cousin Lisa. I check in every couple of days. Love it!!
Hi Laura. Its Amy. I enjoy checking in on things in "your little life."
Have a great day!
I'm here! Duh! :)
I'm reading!
Hi Laura! I keep up with you and your wonderful life!
Lili (Fournier)Ray
You know I read!
Julie Ford
Still here. -Rhonda
still here :)
You know I'm reading!!
Hi Laura! I L.O.V.E. your blog! It's fun to keep up with you this way! Also, I want to ask you about something. If you get the chance, send me an email...kanthony@comm.msstate.edu .
hello, Hope here. I read your blog everyday. I think it is funny your mom reads mine and she makes comments to JD at work about what we are doing and our kids. Hope you are having a good Monday!!
I am a faithful stalker. :)
Hi Laura. This is Amy here in Alabama. I'm a loyal reader!
LT!!! I love reading your blog and catching a glimpse of your little life!
We don't really know each other (we have friends in common!) but you're in my google reader so I read (stalk ;))
I'm a stalker, er, I mean reader! We don't know each other personally but have a few friends in common! I blog... nickandkellysikes.blogspot.com!
hello yaya. i am here.
Still following you and Max!
Hi Laura, I love reading your blog! I also visit a lot because you have tons of great blogs on your blog roll that I like to read as well. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us!
We don't know each other but we do have several mutual friends :) I have been following (stalking) your "little life" for quite some time and LOVE it! :)
Whitney Williams
I try to keep up with you everyday! You looked beautiful at your reunion!
Trish M.
It's me - your football nemisis, Tracy~
Yeap, I'm still here as well!
Still reading :)
Linked to your blog from friend's page....loved it ever since!
Fellow bulldog, but I don't think I ever knew ya on campus!
(I guess this qualifies me as a stalker, huh?)
another reader (stalker) that you don't know, but we have mutual friends! think i found you on jenny holloway's blog! Love reading! I have a blog harrisondays.blogspot.com, but it's private! i'd love to add you to my bloglist though if you wanna email me! amberharrison21@gmail.com
Hi Laura,
Lauren Zumwalt, stalking from right here in Starkville. Love your blog and Heather's!
Hey Laura - we wave at each other at church, but I don't know if that qualifies as "knowing" each other :-) I love reading your blog though!
Have a great day!
Alicia W.
P.S. If I'm ever as beautiful as your Mom was singing with Grace Notes Sunday I will consider my life a success.
Still reading - its my only way of keeping up with you now (tear)! Miss you (and all of your advice!!)
I have your blog on my Google Reader so am notified when you post something new and so I keep up with your little life and really enjoy the blog.
Hey! It's joeli williamson beckum! I definitely read and I have my own!
hi :)
I don't think we have officially met, but we have lots of mutual connections. I was a DG with Katey, my parents moved last year to Starkville and Kane built the house, and I have seen your mom comment on my nephew, John Tucker's care page. I love to keep up with your blog. Ours is private, but send me an email and I'll add you. Crissie Cook Parker
i read!! :)
another stalker! but there are some mutual friends...i got here from jenny ruth's blog (i grew up with larkin). you're good for a giggle every once in a while! :) i blog...
later, lh
Well I happen to LOVE your blog LT ! I am always checking in to see what you are up too. I would love to actually meet you one day-Maybe Mr. T can arrange something:)
Love reading your blog!
Still blog stalking, just not blogging myself :)
I check in everyday as well.
You know I'm here, when I have time!
You know I'm still here!
I still read when I get a chance...lovely dress for your reunion (aren't you glad you went?)...anxiously looking forward to the Skaggs' move, etc...an hour south is not too bad for y'all...
Love you, LT!
Hey I read! I read!
Gotta LOVE and want to know about my laura T! LUV U LOTS! HEGS :)
i am really jealous of all your readers. i have like 7.
You don't know me, but I know your sweet dad from working at Cadence and found your blog through Tennille Portera. I love reading other's blogs and their lives.
My blog is www.catherinesfamilyblog.blogspot.com
I read your blog...we met once when you were in Mobile with Meredith, I am Elissa Bonner's sister...
In case you haven't truly forgiven those involved - I'll just say I'm your friend and Sarah Alford's mother-in-law.
I've been following your blog for a while now. I have a good friend that lives in Jackson, and I found the link to your blog from one of her friend's blogs. I love the dress you wore to your reunion...so cute! Oh, and I blog as well...
i'm here LT...and i love keeping up with you!
Lori H.
Hey Laura. This is Erika Foster. I'm
not going to go through the story of how I found your blog
(it's much too long :)) Just wanted to let you know I'm here and reading. Check out my blog, not as awesome as yours, djsinu.blogspot.com ( stands for Does Jesus Shine in You )
Yaya I'm stiil here. Love you!
You know I am here!!!
I'm reading!
I grew up with your brother-in-law, Rob, and know Kristen too. I love checking out your blog for updated Henry pics!
You know that I am here:)
Hey Laura! You don't know me but I found your blog a few months ago through someones else's blog and have been following you ever since.
Love your blog LT.. i have been majorly slacking on mine..
I love your blog!
wow. you have a lot of readers. I'm just getting caught up with everyone after a long hiatus. your blog was my first stop!
I found your blog from a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend...I've never commented, but I enjoy your posts and I love that you can see your love for your family, friends, and for God! It's so refreshing to find a happy blog so filled with The Spirit!! (and of course your love for Max too!!). Thanks for letting the world see your passion for life!!
From a very non-scary (I promise!)Blog-stalker!!
:o) Angie
I am a loyal fan!
Your mother encouraged me to stalk! :)
I'm always checking in on you, my sweet! Love you!
I'm a regular!
I love reading your blog! You are so hilarious! Maybe I will run into you again one day! Erika Allison
Sweet Laura! I LOVE reading your blog :) And I'm SO impressed with your huge fan base.
I enjoy reading! I found you on Katie Walden's blog roll. I was a KD in Heather's pledge class.
You are a popular girl!
I love your blog, Laura:)
I don't think I know 70 people.
Hi Laura - we're here too! lizbeth
Hi Laura. I love to stalk your blog! Although we don't really know each other, I graduated high school with your cousin Adelia (love your Aunt Melanie) and grew up with Morgan Vitart. I also teach in Starkville, so I may see you @ MINT.
im late! but i read! =)
ps- if you want to still read my blog - send me a inbox message and give me your email!
Hey LT....I'm a faithful reader....I hope to one day have as many readers as you do. How do I do that, by the way?
I know you have my blog already posted, but I thought I'd include it anyway!
I don't leave many comments, but you know I read your blog!
yep--i definitely read your blog.
I check your blog through my SIL, Melanie Smith.... I have a blog too, but I just went private.. here's my email address if you want to read.. samanthalynde@yahoo.com
p.s. Because of your blog, I now put my hand on my hip in almost all of my pictures! lol.. it really does make you look skinnier!! haha
I'm a loyal follower! Thanks for sharing!
BTW, we used your beach photographer and she was great! Thanks for the reference!
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