Monday, December 11, 2006

But, WILL I make it???

Before I started teaching, I was introduced to the term "teacher tired," and, at the time, I just laughed about. It wasn't until I had actually been teaching 2nd grade that I actually realized that being "teacher tired" was no joke. It is, in fact, a very REAL and indescribable feeling. If you are a teacher, then I'm quite confident that you understand what I mean. I feel this tiredness often, mostly on Fridays (as many of you know what I'm like on Friday nights). Very rarely do I experience a feeling that's BEYOND "teacher tired." However, right now, as my 2nd graders are thinking and talking about nothing else EXCEPT Christmas, the feeling is, well, just flat out painful. Don't get me wrong, teaching 2nd grade is my passion, and I truly enjoy what God has called me to do. However, there are certain times of the year (such as NOW) when I want to scream and pull my hair out! My kids are out-of-their-minds-wild, and I STILL HAVE 10 MORE SCHOOL DAYS BEFORE WE GET OUT!! 10!!!!!!! AHHH!!! That's right...we don't get out until Dec. 22. Try to find me that day, and you will see a very very happy (but really really tired) person. The fact that we don't have to go back until Jan. 8 is BEAUTIFUL though, and I absolutely cannot wait to sit around, play with Henry, spend time with my friends and family, and probably eat way more than I should....what a life.
The question is, though, WILL I MAKE IT UNTIL DEC. 22??? Insane
*note: the above picture is of my 2nd graders LAST year at Christmas...sure do miss those kids!


Unknown said...

I see leonard in your picture.

gah i love that kid.

Leonard and Will E.

Love them.

Jenny said...


