As you can see, MINT had a big Christmas in July sale! It was last night from 6-10. This is an event that Emily has been planning for a while now. Little did anybody know that little Smith would decide to enter the world a few weeks early! He was born Tuesday afternoon. Needless to say, Emily was NOT at the sale, but her 3 little employees (including myself!) managed just fine! Don't worry, Emily, you were definitely missed!
Back to the sweet baby--
I went to see him in the hospital Wednesday night. He is absolutely adorable. This picture isn't too close up of his cute little face, so you can just take my word for it, or look at Emily's blog for more pics. I got to hold him for a while and loved it.

Here is the "shrine to Smith" we made at MINT. :)Subject change. You know my blog posts wouldn't be complete without a bit of randomness.
Ummm...can I just say that I have to be at school in A WEEK?! Ahh. I'd be lying if I said I was absolutely THRILLED about going back, but I am anxious to get back. See the difference? Don't get me wrong--this summer has been great. It was exactly what I needed and I am not ready to give up my summer job, but I am ready to meet my new students (I think). I've spent a little time in my classroom this past week (whenever I wasn't working), and I've still got quite a bit of cleaning and organizing to do before I'm completely ready. I'll get there though. I'm not stressed. Heather and Trey are coming today, and although Heather doesn't know yet, she's coming with me to school tomorrow to help me clean! Shhh...don't tell her...she may decide not to come. :)
Also..I need to talk to the person "in charge" of this town. We are in the process of getting ANOTHER Sonic (approximately 1/2 a mile from one of the other Sonics nonetheless). This makes like our 47th Sonic here. Slight exaggerration, but I'm not that far off. I mean, this is not a big town. Is another Sonic REALLY what we need? I also happened to notice that this Sonic has a drive through window. I don't get it. What's the difference in the drive through and the regular place to order at Sonic? I thought that was the whole point of Sonic. You know, the whole -you don't have to get of your car thing?! That just doesn't make sense to me.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not dogging Sonic. They have fabulous ice, and as long as they remember to put a cherry in my Diet Cherry Limeade, I'm a fan. However, there are more important things in life.
It's time for Starkville to get a Target.
I was wondering why StarkVegas was getting ANOTHER Sonic. Strange! Of course, the babies know exactly what kind of restaurant it is; when we drove by the new one a few weeks ago, Warren and I heard shouts of "Sonic" from the back! Guess we've got a couple of geniuses on our hands....
And, I have some things that I'm thinking of bringing over to MINT sometime. Are y'all opened on Saturdays? Since I'll be working again this fall, the weekends will be my only real errand running time!
What is your email address? I was wanting to call you a few weeks ago couldn't find you in the phone book. Gimme a holller at brookebmanning@yahoo.com. Thanks!!!
Besides the ice, I am anti-Sonic. I hope that doesn't make me look un-American.
LT-Glad you're back..I've missed your posts. I totally agree about the Sonic ice. My understanding was that the one next to the McDonald's was going to close when this one opens. That could just be a nasty rumor though!
Could you send one of those Sonics to little bitty Halls, TN. All we have is Exxon or BP for fast food. It's not my fast food of choice!
I totally agree! I'm a fan as well, but come on - TARGET PLEASE!
that is SO ridic about sonic! i like their fountain drinks but think their food is nasty.
While Sonic's chili cheese coney sustained me through much of my pregnancy (hence the 15 pounds I have kept as a momento), the increasing number of Sonics in Starkville is a little troublesome. I would definitely be on board for a Target, though...
we have a drive through window at one of our sonics here in jackson...i've always thought it was weird too.
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