Secondly--advice is needed. I've been wanting to change my "look" lately. I don't know why--maybe it's because I'm in the process of starting over after a not-so-fun experience and I think it might help my confidence. I think one of the easiest ways to change your look is by changing your hair. Now...here's the problem...my hair is DARK. VERY DARK. Would I be stupid to try to put color on it? Don't get me wrong, I like my hair color, but I'm just kinda tired of the same old look, you know? I know I can sometimes wear it straight as opposed to my everyday curly look, but still. Color just sounds super fun to me. Of course I would never do anything as drastic as blonde, nor do I want to do serious dye of any kind. I was thinking maybe putting a little red highlights in it. Thoughts? Comments? Both of my sisters are opposed to this, and I usually do whatever they tell me (I am a middle child. I have always done what I'm told to do). Fortunately, my aunt is a hair stylist, so if I decide to bite the bullet and do it, I have faith that she won't allow me to look like a clown in the end. I'm just a scaredy cat and I want to know that if I end up not liking it I can change it back to my normal color.
I mentioned recently that I've been playing around with my make up too (particularly eye make up). I think that, too, is a great way to change your look and spice up an outfit. I've been enjoying wearing purple eyeshadow and eyeliner as opposed to my everyday browns. Perhaps I will try blue soon. I've become so spontaneous as you can see. (Can you also tell that one of my summer hobbies has been readying "In Style" and "Lucky" magazines?!).
I'm heading to the 'Burg tomorrow to visit my sisters. Yes. I said "sisterS" as in plural. I mentioned earlier about Kristen's living situation and you can read more about it on Heather's most recent blog post. My original plan was to go Thursday afternoon, but Kristen goes back to Clinton on Thursday morning, so I would miss seeing her. She insisted that I leave tomorrow after I get off work. See? Another perfect example of always doing what I'm told. My mom even says that when we were little, Kristen would boss me and Heather around (this comes as no surprise to anyone who knows Kristen). Whenever she would tell us to do something, I would always say "OK" and Heather would of course reply with a bratty "NO!". Typical.
I'm looking forward to hanging out with the 2 most fun people I know.
My goal for the trip: buy a new purse. I really want a big, fun, trendy yellow or burnt orange one. Why? I have no clue. But I know I would feel super cute if I had one.
This will be my last trip of the summer! It has flown by and it's crazy to think that we're only down to a few weeks before I'm "Miss T." again! I'm also about to begin my 5th year of teaching which doesn't even sound right. I'll be retiring before I know it! :)
As my adorable nephew would say "HAPPY DAY!"
You've seen how dark my hair is and I got red highlights once...i loved it! You could also get one of those deep dark red colors that looks normal inside by has a slight reddish look out in the sun...have you thought of a new haircut since you've been reading all those magazines? BTW, I'm always in search of the perfect purse....just like Bigfoot, rumored to be true but never actually found.
I also ventured out and got some red highlights this Thanksgiving. My hair is pretty dark, too. I got thick, trendy chunks and they were faded by Jan.
a...I will miss you while you are in Hattiesburg this week.
b...With all the cute clothes you have gotten at MINT, who needs a make-over?
c...The best person to ask for hair advice is Krystal. She has seriously had more "dos" than anyone I know... all cute and all different.
don't do it, lt! i dyed my hair brown this winter and my poor blonde hair has never been the same since! IF you decide to go with it, have your aunt do something semi-permanent so it will eventually wash out if you don't like it. maybe you should think about a tattoo to change your look ;) i'm adding to the piece on my back soon! you probably won't go for that though. you are such a pretty girl!!
i feel your pain! I always start to feel like my dark hair is so boring! I wanted to go RED last year and then i thought that Tal and I would look so silly. I thought that people would think I did it to 'match' him.
I used to get highlights right after college and I swore i would never do it again b/c i got to be so expensive to maintain it!
You are so cute just the way you are! my vote is also NO to the highlights. Keep it natural! Stick with the purse and they eyeshadow.
I vote with Renee; don't do it!!!!
what about a new haircut instead of the color...
We have black hair - be proud!!!
"you look chinese"
buy me some cute clothes.
i also have very, very dark hair - as you know. definitely don't do any honey-colored highlights. i did that a few times and now i see pics and am like WTF?! so...i vote no to the highlights too. rock the black hair! it's not nearly as striking when there are highlights.
splurge on a new outfit and make-up!!
my vote is against hair color. I did it once and it wasn't worth the $ or the trouble. Bear in mind that if you color your hair it costs big bucks to keep it up. However, I have always wanted to be a red-head. Lindsay Lohan red, not Sharon Osbourne.
Do not mess with the hair! It is too much trouble, money, and it will grow out very soon.
Im thinking the hair color would be cute! I have talking to a few friends who do hair about what I could do to mine and that was one of their suggestions (the redish, or just different shade of brown highlights) But a fun new cut could be good too!
your natural color hair is beautiful!
re: a haircut--Mine was cut too short on July 20, 1987 and I'm not over it.
re: retirement...Yaya..the time will not fly by...
I totally feel your pain with wanting to change your look but not knowing exactly what to do. I tried colored contacts, cutting my hair, dying my hair, etc. In the end, it just wasnt worth it. As many have mentioned before, it costs a lot to keep up the highlights, and in the end, I didnt even like it as well. You are soooo gorgeous, I dont think you need to change anything!
I joined a bunko group and I'm hosting in December. I'm going to order those for everyone for Christmas happies!!!
My hair is very much like yours and highlights are expensive to keep up but I think they'd look good with your hair ... I know I'm against the crowd but that's how I roll :)
Ultimately it is up to you, but my vote is no on the hair color. I started highlighting my hair after I got married, and it was very expensive to maintain, as many others have mentioned. I also look at pics now and think it didn't look very good. I think natural hair colors are the best!
No hair color! You're totally hot as it is!
im gonna go against the grain and say that i think that red highlights would be cute =)
ive been wanting to do that too!
but dont have the $
HIghlights, highlights! I'm going against the grain and saying DO IT.
Do it! I think that cute red highlights would look great on you!
I get tired of my curly haired do too...it seems there are only so many ways we can wear it!
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