Is anybody else sad that Christmas has once again come and gone?
There's so much leading up to Christmas and then it's over in a flash! I will say, however, that this was one of my favorite Christmases to date. I think I say that every year, but this one was just perfect. Kristen, Rob, Henry, Heather, and Trey were ALL able to be here Christmas Day, which made me super happy. On top of that, I was also able to see several of my BFFs prior to Christmas, which made the week even better.
Henry is 3 now and he got entirely too many gifts this year, but he's still the most fun ever. He has a way of making everyone think that their gift was his favorite. I love him and I'm already looking forward to NEXT Christmas when Jones will be here! God is good!
Kristen, Rob, and Henry had to leave today, but Heather and Trey will be here until this weekend. I've been staying at my parents' house during most of my break, which explains my lack of blogging over the past week. I'm also way behind on blog-reading and I hope to catch up in the next few days. Apologies.
Anyway, here are some ever-so-exciting Christmas pics!
Starkville pics:
Mom's pretty mantel!
...and beautifully decorated table
Me and the sisters...
...the chefs at work...
Henry opening a present waaay bigger than he is...
Henry and his Lita putting together a new puzzle!
sleepy Henry...
Henry and the Stansbury boys: Isaac, Noah, and Luke. Complete chaos.
Collinsville pics:
Henry and my sweet Mamaw
Cooper and Henry...Go State!
Sweet Mamaw and Trey
several of my cousins!
putting together more fun puzzles!
While I'm sad to see 2009 come to an end, it's exciting to anticipate the new year. I'm unsure whether or not I'll be making resolutions for the new year. I'll just have to get back to you on that...
On a sad note, I want to ask that you pray for the family members of victims who lost their lives at the horrific apartment fire that occurred here in Starkville yesterday morning. 9 lives were lost. Among those who died were 2 children who attended the school where I work. I didn't know any of victims, but my heart is broken by it all. This story has actually made national news. It really is just so so sad.
I hope you and yours had a very Merry Christmas and here's to hoping for a fun New Year for you!
P.S. I have just changed the settings on my blog so that no anonymous comments are allowed. I was starting to get comments that were junk or even in another language. I'm just not interested in that, folks. Please continue commenting, only now it may take one extra step for you to do so...thank you much and keep the comments coming!
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