Thursday, August 19, 2010

my sweet (&quirky!) friend, Claire...

It's my dear friend Claire's birthday and I just couldn't agree more with what MSKS wrote about our girl.
While I am fond of the picture MSKS chose to represent our loved one, I'm just not quite sure it's my favorite one. I've been able to narrow down the top 12 faves, but I was unable to choose just one to include in this post. Maybe you can help me decide which one is best.

Welcome to the last year in your 20s, dear one!


Silver Strands said...

You're right ... too hard to narrow down. But the singing one with Elvis gets my vote :)

Claire said...

wow am I just now seeing this?? you picked some flaaaaaattering pics of me :):)

love you & hope to catch you next time I'm in town - in the meantime, COME TO BIRMINGHAM!!